New Articles April 8-14 | Society for Freshwater Science

Behavioral Ecology

Liu, G., Y. Wu, X. Shen, Y. Hu, X. Qin, W. Tian, L. Liu, X. Wang, X. Shi. Laboratory experiments demonstrate that the hissing of the Chinese alligator can effectively inhibit movement of flower fish Ptychobarbus kaznakovi. Hydrobiologia.

Torkkola, J.J., D.W. Hemsley. Prawn parade: notes on Macrobrachium australiense Holthius, 1950 climbing vertical concrete overflow steps at Gold Creek Reservoir, Queensland. Marine and Freshwater Research.


Buj, I., R. Sanda, S. Zogaris, J. Freyhof, M.F. Geiger, J. Vukic. Cryptic diversity in Telestes pleurobipunctatus (Actinopterygii; Leuciscidae) as a consequence of historical biogeography in the Ionian Freshwater Ecoregion (Greece, Albania). Hydrobiologia.

Bush, B.M., C. Stenert, L. Maltchik, D.P. Batzer. Beaver‐created successional gradients increase β‐diversity of invertebrates by turnover in stream‐wetland complexes. Freshwater Biology.

Schiel, D.R. Experimental analyses of diversity partitioning in southern hemisphere algal communities. Oecologia.

Zhao, C.S., T.L. Pan, S.T. Yang, Y. Sun, Y. Zhang, Y.R. Ge, B.E. Dong, Z.S. Zhang, H.M. Zhang. Quantifying the response of aquatic biodiversity to variations in river hydrology and water quality in a healthy water ecology pilot city, China. Marine and Freshwater Research.


Keys, T.A., M.F. Caudill, D.T. Scott. Storm effects on nitrogen flux and longitudinal variability in a river–reservoir system. River Research and Applications.

Penn, J.L., T.Weber, B.X. Chang, C. Deutsch. Microbial ecosystem dynamics drive fluctuating nitrogen loss in marine anoxic zones. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Vachon, D., T. Langenegger, D. Donis, D.F. McGinnis. Influence of water column stratification and mixing patterns on the fate of methane produced in deep sediments of a small eutrophic lake. Limnology and Oceanography.

Citizen Science

Brooks, S.J., B. Fitch, J. Davy-Bowker, S.A. Codesal. Anglers’ Riverfly Monitoring Initiative (ARMI): A UK-wide citizen science project for water quality assessment. Freshwater Science.

Yardi, K.D., E. Bharucha, S. Girade. Post-restoration monitoring of water quality and avifaunal diversity of Pashan Lake, Pune, India using a citizen science approach. Freshwater Science.


Weidberg, N., S.L. Basedow. Long‐term variability in overwintering copepod populations in the Lofoten Basin: The role of the North Atlantic oscillation and trophic effects. Limnology and Oceanography.


Hughes, T.P., J.T. Kerry, A.H. Baird, S.R. Connolly, T.J. Chase, A. Dietzel, T. Hill, A.S. Hoey, M.O. Hoogenboom, M. Jacobson, A. Kerswell, J.S. Madin, A. Mieog, A.S. Paley, M.S. Pratchett, G. Torda, R.M. Woods. Global warming impairs stock–recruitment dynamics of corals. Nature.

Kwong, W.K., J. del Campo, V. Mathur, M.J.A. Vermeij, P.J. Keeling. A widespread coral-infecting apicomplexan with chlorophyll biosynthesis genes. Nature.

Padilla-Gamino, J.L., M.S. Roth, L.J. Rodrigues, C.J. Bradley, R.R. Bidigare, R.D. Gates, C.M. Smith, H.L. Spalding. Ecophysiology of mesophotic reef‐building corals in Hawai‘i is influenced by symbiont–host associations, photoacclimatization, trophic plasticity, and adaptation. Limnology and Oceanography.

Wall, C.B., R. Ritson-Williams, B. N. Popp, R.D. Gates. Spatial variation in the biochemical and isotopic composition of corals during bleaching and recovery. Limnology and Oceanography.


Chislock, M.F., R.B. Kaul, K.A. Durham, O. Sarnelle, A.E. Wilson. Eutrophication mediates rapid clonal evolution in Daphnia pulicaria. Freshwater Biology.

Jones, J.B., G.J. Pierce, P. Brickle, Z.N. Shcherbich, A.I. Arkhipkin. ‘Superbull’ males: what role do they play and what drives their appearance within the Doryteuthis gahi Patagonian Shelf population? Marine and Freshwater Research.


Casselman, J.M., C.M. Jones, S.E. Campana. Bomb radiocarbon age validation for the long-lived, unexploited Arctic fish species Coregonus clupeaformis. Marine and Freshwater Research.

Work, K., C.J. Jennings. Underwater video surveys provide a more complete picture of littoral fish populations than seine samples in clear Florida springs. Marine and Freshwater Research.

Floodplain Ecosystems

Balkic, A.G., I. Ternjej, N. Katanic. Alteration in microcrustacean secondary production and herbivory effects between the River Danube and its floodplain lake. Hydrobiologia.

Campos-Silva, J.V., J.E. Hawes, C.A. Peres. Population recovery, seasonal site fidelity, and daily activity of pirarucu (Arapaima spp.) in an Amazonian floodplain mosaic. Freshwater Biology.

Mayora, G., M. Devercelli. Spatio‐temporal variability in underwater light climate in a turbid river‐floodplain system: Driving factors and estimation using Secchi disc. River Research and Applications.


Bahir, M., D. Ouazar, S. Ouhamdouch. Hydrogeochemical investigation and groundwater quality in Essaouira region, Morocco. Marine and Freshwater Research.


Hart, R.M., B.K. Breaker. Quantifying hydrologic alteration in an area lacking current reference conditions—The Mississippi alluvial plain of the south‐central United States. River Research and Applications.

Tamborski, J., P. van Beek, V. Rodellas, C. Monnin, E. Bergsma, T. Stieglitz, C. Heilbrun, J. K. Cochran, C. Charbonnier, P. Anschutz, S. Bejannin, A. Beck. Temporal variability of lagoon–sea water exchange and seawater circulation through a Mediterranean barrier beach. Limnology and Oceanography.

Invasive Species

Panteleit, J., T. Horvath, J. Jussila, J. Makkonen, W. Perry, R. Schulz, K. Theissinger, A. Schrimpf. Invasive rusty crayfish (Faxonius rusticus) populations in North America are infected with the crayfish plague disease agent (Aphanomyces astaci. Freshwater Science.


Wood, G., E.M. Marzinelli, M.A. Coleman, A.H. Campbell, N.S. Santini, L. Kajlich, J. Verdura, J. Wodak, P.D. Steinberg, A. Verges. Restoring subtidal marine macrophytes in the Anthropocene: trajectories and future-proofing. Marine and Freshwater Research.


Kliemann, B.C.K., M.C. Baldasso, S.F.R. Pini, M.C. Makrakis, S. Makrakis, R.L. Delariva. Assessing the diet and trophic niche breadth of an omnivorous fish (Glanidium ribeiroi) in subtropical lotic environments: intraspecific and ontogenic responses to spatial variations. Marine and Freshwater Research.

Simon, T.N., A.J. Binderup, A.S. Flecker, J.F. Gilliam, M.C. Marshall, S.A. Thomas, J. Travis, D.N. Reznick, C.M. Pringle. Landscape patterns in top‐down control of decomposition: omnivory disrupts a tropical detrital‐based trophic cascade. Ecology.

Sea Level Rise

Zemp, M., M. Huss, E. Thibert, N. Eckert, R. McNabb, J. Huber, M. Barandun, H. Machguth, S.U. Nussbaumer, I. Gartner-Roer, L. Thomson, F. Paul, F. Maussion, S. Kutuzov, J.G. Cogley. Global glacier mass changes and their contributions to sea-level rise from 1961 to 2016. Nature.


Barton, S., G. Yvon-Durocher. Quantifying the temperature dependence of growth rate in marine phytoplankton within and across species. Limnology and Oceanography.

Deng, Z., S. Xu, T. Gao, Z. Han. Thermal adaptation of Japanese sand lance (Ammodytes personatus) in different ocean currents revealed by the cytochrome-b gene. Marine and Freshwater Research.

Walsh, B.S., S.R. Parratt, D. Atkinson, R.R. Snook, A. Bretman, T.A.R. Price. Integrated Approaches to Studying Male and Female Thermal Fertility Limits. Trends in Ecology and Evolution.

Urban Streams

Hong, C.-Y., H. Chang, E.-S. Chung. Comparing the functional recognition of aesthetics, hydrology, and quality in urban stream restoration through the framework of environmental perception. River Research and Applications.

Miguel-Chinchilla, L., E. Heasley, S. Loiselle, I. Thornhill. Local and landscape influences on turbidity in urban streams: a global approach using citizen scientists. Freshwater Science.

Qasem, K., S. Vitousek, B. O’Connor, T. Hoellein. The effect of floods on ecosystem metabolism in suburban streams. Freshwater Science.




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