Freshwater Science: Volume 42, Issue 1

Featured Article

This month’s featured article: Water-quality outcomes of wetland restoration depend on hydroperiod rather than restoration strategy

Sarah G. Winikoff and Jacques C. Finlay  See the entire issue.

In this Issue

  • Litter decomposition with microbial succession
  • Identifying shallow lake restoration targets
  • Small-scale heterogeneity in riverine processes
  • Gene flow in interdunal wetland insects
  • Interactions among larval frog stressors

On the Cover

On the Cover: Lake Michigan stretches over 300 miles north to south, with the eastern shore forming freshwater sand dune areas pocketed with interdunal wetlands. Pictured is an interdunal wetland at Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore, MI USA. Aquatic biodiversity is seldom studied in these globally rare wetlands. Photo: Tiffany Schriever

All issues of FWS are available at The University of Chicago Press.

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