Freshwater Science: Volume 39, Issue 4

Featured Article

This month’s featured article: Perspectives on the functional assessment of multi-stressed stream ecosystems
Piet F. M. Verdonschot and Gea H. van der Lee Freshwater Science 39(4): 605-620. See the entire issue.

In this Issue

  • Integrated assessment of stream ecosystem health

  • Variation in stream network relationships

  • Surface properties promote algal blooms

  • Streambank soil pipes

  • Multiplex eDNA assays for western freshwater mussels

  • Abundances of freshwater testate amoebae

  • Predator cure effects on prey

On the Cover

On the Cover: Margaritifera falcata in a reach of the South Fork Eel RIver, Calfornia that runs through the Angela Coast Range Reserve (part of University of California Reserve System). Photograph by Jeanette Howard. 

All issues of FWS are available at The University of Chicago Press.


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