It All Starts Here –

How AI is Transforming Urban Life and Advancing Mobility Solutions is honored to have hosted a panel discussion called “How AI is Transforming Urban Life and Advancing Mobility Solutions” as part of the TED AI conference. We are grateful to our panelists for participating: Annabel Chang, Head of State Policy and Government Relations at Waymo; Phil Pierce, Senior Public Policy Manager at Zoox; Dan Katz, Vice President of Public Policy at Hayden AI; and Deepti Rohatgi, Policy and CSR Expert. 

Located at the beautiful Shack15 in the Ferry Building, our panelists hosted a thought-provoking discussion on the transformative power of AI in urban contexts. Our panel of experts explored how AI is revolutionizing urban mobility and governance, offering fresh perspectives on the future-proofing of our cities. TED AI attendees left with an understanding of how AI-driven innovations shape urban life and pave the way for smarter, more efficient, and increasingly accessible urban environments. Stay tuned for a video recording accessible through the TED AI website and YouTube page.

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