Poetry & Playlists, Mix 01: The Intro – Scalawag

Let loving you be my first expression of milk.
Let us learn together another
tenderness. Where there is no persuading
or pleading—no, something other than
danger and the love of it.
Here we don’t negotiate

power, only the angle
of your head against my breast,
nerves sharpening my body
to its softest point. One day the earth of my pelvis
will rack.
One day I’ll give at the center

and out of me crawls a new continent
but today, do not move the mountains,
let my nipples near your mouth.
Come to me thus,
not as a weapon but as a young boy
startled by hunger. Say my name

and Look!
When you say my name,
the alchemy I’m capable of. Almost
instantly when you say my name,
through my shirt, a dark ring

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