Design Excellence in 2015

A vegetable garden on the roof of Via Verde (2013 RBA Silver Medalist) provides fresh produce grown by and for residents.

The Bruner Foundation reached out to leaders of organizations engaged in the design and development of American cities to discuss the issues facing today’s urban environments. We were curious to hear their thoughts about the opportunities and challenges, how their organizations responding, and noteworthy initiatives and projects.

A major theme that emerged was interest in creating the creation of sustainable – equitable, healthy and resilient – communities. To learn more, read the two-part post on our Metropolis Rudy Bruner Award POV blog: Design Excellence 2015: Part 1 and Design Excellence: Part 2.
This weekend we’ll convene our selection committee at our office in Cambridge for its first meeting to identify the five 2015 finalists for the 2015 Rudy Bruner Award for Urban Excellence. We look forward to announcing them next month, as well as providing “on the road” updates from our site visits in March, April and May.

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