Ruby Central Welcomes New Executive Director, Neil MacGovern

Ruby Central, the non-profit organization dedicated to supporting and advancing the Ruby programming language and worldwide Ruby community, welcomes Neil McGovern as its new Executive Director. Neil officially starts work for Ruby Central on November 1st, and will operate from the United Kingdom. With over 20 years of open source experience, Neil is joining us just in time to attend RubyConf 2022. Community members will have a chance to meet him at this year’s conference from November 29th to December 1st in Houston, Texas.

Allison McMillan, Ruby Central President comments, “We’re thrilled to kickoff the next chapter of Ruby Central, and discover new and exciting ways to support the Ruby language and diverse, worldwide community in the future.. Neil brings a wealth of experience and we have high hopes for what he will enable the community and Ruby Central to achieve together!”

Neil most recently served as Executive Director of the GNOME Foundation, and has been a Debian Developer and Debian Project Leader. He’s looking forward to combining his experience in nonprofit management and open source communities in service of the Ruby Community.

Please join us in welcoming Neil to Ruby Central! If you have any questions, please email [email protected]

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