RailsConf 2023 in Atlanta

This year RailsConf will be April 24-26th in beautiful Atlanta, Georgia!

Tickets are now on sale here. We offer discounts for students, groups of 5+, and more.

Also, the Call for Proposals (CFP) is now open here! We are accepting proposals for talks (30-45 mins) or Workshops (2 hours).

We warmly welcome both new and experienced speakers, technical and non-technical talks, and beginner, intermediate, or advanced-level topics.

We love first time speakers! If you are thinking about submitting a talk but need some feedback, coaching, or just a cheerleader to tell you “you can do it!”, we have scheduled some coaching sessions for you:

Take a look at this year’s conference tracks and submit your proposal today!

The Scholars and Guides Program is a mentorship program for conference attendees interested in having someone experienced show them around and someone less-experienced have a helpful person around to navigatep a new situation. You can read more and apply here on railsconf.org.

What is a Scholar?

Scholars, or mentees, are people new to the Ruby and Rails communities and looking to make professional connections. Scholars are paired with a Guide, or mentor, who will be available throughout the event to offer insight and advice on programming, working as a developer, and helping you build long-lasting connections with influential community members.

What is a Guide?

Guides are volunteer mentors and will support the Scholars through mentorship, guidance, and professional networking leading up to and during a Ruby or Rails conference. Guides are familiar with the Ruby and/or Rails community, help create networking opportunities, and help the Scholar navigate a professional conference.

Apply to be a scholar or guide here!

Interested in becoming a RailsConf Sponsor? Review this year’s conference Prospectus and email us at [email protected]. We would love to partner with you!

Still have RailsConf2023 questions? Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at [email protected].

No matter how you choose to participate, we hope to see you there!

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