June 2019 Monthly Update

Hello! Welcome to the monthly update. During June, our work was supported by Handshake, Stripe, Triplebyte, Bleacher Report, and many others.

ruby together news

In June, Ruby Together was supported by 57 different companies, including Sapphire member Stripe. 3 new companies joined in the last month. On top of those companies, 3 new developers joined as new members in the last month, including Balo. In total, we were supported by 119 developer members.

Thanks to all of our members for making everything that we do possible. <3

We had a quieter month in June, but both Ruby Me apprentices and Google Summer of Code students continued to work on Ruby open source projects.

bundler news

In June, Bundler saw ongoing fixes, including better support for Ruby 2.6 and integration with ruby-core. In addition, the bundle clean command was fixed for git gems in a symlinked location, and the gem management task rake release also added support for 2FA when pushing gems to RubyGems.org.

This month, Bundler gained 151 new commits, contributed by 12 authors. There were 1,308 additions and 1,224 deletions across 137 files.

rubygems.org news

RubyGems.org had the usual ongoing security and dependency updates. It also saw improvements to the Fastly and Nginx configuration that will help us make it faster for newly uploaded gems to be able to be installed. Email notifications got visual design, password resets gained support for 2FA, API keys are now reset at the same time as passwords, and administrators now have more automation to deal with malicious gems or users more easily.

This month, Rubygems.org gained 55 new commits, contributed by 8 authors. There were 2,458 additions and 1,961 deletions across 200 files.

rubygems news

RubyGems saw the usual ongoing fixes, including a fix for the rubygems-update gem that allows updating older versions of RubyGems to newer ones. David Rodriguez also did a huge amount of work on the RubyGems test suite, fixing many, many tests that either didn’t clean up after themselves or didn’t always pass.

This month, Rubygems gained 103 new commits, contributed by 17 authors. There were 728 additions and 592 deletions across 37 files.

gemstash news

Gemstash had a calm month, seeing fixes for some rubocop and codeclimate issues, as well as fixes for some broken links.

This month, Gemstash gained 4 new commits, contributed by 4 authors. There were 19 additions and 18 deletions across 7 files.

bridge troll news

We’ve gotten two updates so far on work on Bridge Troll, which we’ve posted to the Ruby Together news page. If you’re interested in following the project, check out the Bridge Troll project interview and updates.

budget & expenses

In June, we saw $11,474.28 in total income, and spent a total of $36,196.47.

  • $2,117.50 for 14.1 hours worked on Bundler at $150/hour
  • $650 for 4.3 hours worked on RubyGems.org at $150/hour
  • $4,157.50 for 27.7 hours worked on RubyGems at $150/hour
  • $2,187.50 for 14.6 hours worked on other OSS and devtools at $150/hour
  • $9,018.09 for 60.1 hours of open source pairing in Ruby Me
  • $76.68 on dedicated servers for RubyBench.org
  • $391.22 on payment processing fees
  • $8,674.12 on company overhead like hosting, services, software, hardware, taxes, etc
  • $5,221.44 on accounting, copywriting, design, and other professional services
  • $3,702.42 on marketing, evangelism, and community outreach

Until next time,
André and the Ruby Together team

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