June 2016 Monthly Update

Welcome to the June 2016 monthly update for Ruby Together! In the last month, we paid for 119.6 hours of work, and had 6 new members join. Our work this month includes RubyGems 2.6.6, Bundler 1.13 pre-release, and an array of minor improvements thanks to our Google Summer of Code students.

ruby together news

tools for our tools

We worked on two meta tools: How Is for checking the status of issues and pull requests, and Patronus for testing and merging pull requests. Their broad goal is to take some of the legwork out of maintaining Bundler and RubyGems.

summer of coders

Our Google Summer of Code (GSoC) students have done an array of work including an initial release of the plugin system, Bundler’s site redesign, and resolving many other issues. They are going pretty strong as we head into GSoC’s midterms. We also got approval for a second set of summer assistance, and so next month we will be working with a team from Rails Girls Summer of Code.

new members

We had a total of 7 new members this month, including 5 developers: Joseph Method, Daisuke Goto, George Claghorn, Joseph D. Marhee, and Aditya Sanghi. The 2 companies that joined this month are: Powershop and Envato

bundler news

Bundler 1.13 got a pre-release this month, featuring a set of significant speed improvements ported from CocoaPods. 1.13 also includes an alpha version of the plugin system, which will likely see a full release in 1.14.

Recently Bundler-api (the server side code for Bundler) has started being moved into RubyGems.org infrastructure. This change was made to reduce duplication of effort and resources, but also fits into the general goal of an eventual Bundler and RubyGems merge.

Finally this month saw a lot of work towards the new design for bundler.io.

In total, Bundler had 40 merged pull requests and 226 commits from 15 authors, and we closed 49 issues.

rubygems.org news

In addition to the standard Fastly optimizations, the RubyGems.org team started working towards better policies and more security. The policies work, which will be released in the coming months, is on terms of use in general and name disputes (see: left pad and npm) in particular. The security updates are also related to name issues, and inspired by a blog post about typosquatting package managers. If you have advice / want to contribute to this particular solving this particular problem, here is the relevant issue.

In total, RubyGems.org had 40 merged pull requests and 103 commits from 11 authors.

rubygems news

RubyGems 2.6.5 and 2.6.6 released this month, featuring a variety of bug fixes and minor enhancements that had accumulated since the last release. We also started working towards RubyGems 3.0, the Bundler and RubyGems merge. So far we have merged the testing and issue semantics. Pending a blog post detailing what the 3.0 release will entail, here is André describing Bundler / RubyGems 3.0 informally.

In total, RubyGems had 12 merged pull requests and 19 commits from 6 authors.

budget & expenses

From May 20 to June 20, Ruby Together took in $21162. In total, we spent $26813.03. Here’s a breakdown of where the money went:

  • $7879.60 for 52.5 hours worked on Bundler at $150/hour
  • $5419.90 for 36.1 hours worked on RubyGems.org at $150/hour
  • $4650 for 31.0 hours worked on RubyGems at $150/hour
  • $75.11 on dedicated servers for RubyBench.org
  • $657.6 on payment processing fees
  • $2159.42 on company overhead like hosting, services, software, hardware, taxes, etc
  • $6600 on accounting, copywriting, design, and other professional services
  • $29 on marketing, evangelism, and community outreach

Look forward in the next month to the completed Bundler.io redesign, the efforts of our many summer coding assistants, and the full Bundler 1.13 release.

Until next time,
Lynn, André, and the Ruby Together team

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