July 2021 Monthly Update

Hello! Welcome to the monthly update. During July, our work was supported by Zendesk, DigitalOcean, Stitch Fix, and many others.

ruby together news

In July, Ruby Together was supported by 39 different companies, and 3 companies joined as new members.

On top of those companies, 3 new developers signed up as members: Wayne Vucenic, Joe Winter, and Stephan Kämper. In total, we were supported by 108 developer members. Thanks to all of our members for making everything that we do possible. <3

rubygems & bundler news

This month in RubyGems, We released new versions of RubyGems (3.2.22, 3.2.23, 3.2.24, and 3.2.25) and Bundler (2.2.22, 2.2.23, 2.2.24, and 2.2.25).

We also simplified Bundler internals and achieved faster bundler/setup performance. In addition to that, RubyGems saw several bug fixes and updates this month, some of which include the following:

  • investigated various RubyGems and Bundler issues on GitHub such as #4717 and #4719.
  • worked on the Bundler Version Locking RFC – #29.
  • improved the RUBYGEMS_GEMDEPS environment variable, which allows running bundled commands without needing bundle exec.
  • worked on automating the process of reproducing builds for gems – #3118.
  • fixed several outdated definition issues (detecting whether there are Gemfile changes over the lockfile or not, to potentially reuse the information in the lockfile and avoid having to resolve dependencies at all).
  • fixed the --conservative flag to allow finer-grained bundle updates.
  • worked on smoothing the transition to secure RubyGems sources fully and fixed the regressions we create as we proceed.

In July, Rubygems gained 169 new commits, contributed by 14 authors. There were 1,878 additions and 1,237 deletions across 152 files.

rubygems.org news

In July, RubyGems.org saw several bug fixes and updates, some of which include the following:

  • updated Kubernetes from version 1.16 to 1.20.
  • debugged and resolved CPU spikes on the database by removing page entries info from the gem index page – #2738.
  • enabled rails 6.1 default preload_links_header#3737.

This month, Rubygems.org gained 27 new commits, contributed by 3 authors. There were 865 additions and 747 deletions across 13 files.

As always, we continue to fix bugs, review and merge PR’s and reply to support tickets.

budget & expenses

In July, we saw $8,071.05 in total income, and spent a total of $9,654.81.

  • Stripe Payment Processing Fees $298.37
  • Employee Related $542.62
  • General & Administrative $183.00
  • IT & Software $893.32
  • 39.6 Hours of development work at $150/hr $5,937.50

Until next time,
Irene, André and the Ruby Together team

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