January 2021 Monthly Update

Hello! Welcome to the monthly update. During January, our work was supported by Zendesk, DigitalOcean, Stitch Fix, and many others.

ruby together news

In January, Ruby Together was supported by 40 different companies, including Ruby member Zendesk and Sapphire member Stripe. 6 companies joined as new members.

On top of those companies, 6 new developers signed up as members, including Abdullah Esmail, Marco Roth, Shaun McCormick, and Chance Feick. In total, we were supported by 106 developer members. Thanks to all of our members for making everything that we do possible. <3

rubygems & bundler news

In January, we released new versions of Bundler v2.2.5, v2.2.6, v2.2.7, and v2.2.8, and corresponding versions of RubyGems v3.2.5, v3.2.6, v3.2.7, and v3.2.8. The main improvements in these releases are resolver correctness and better performance. Learn more about specific changes made from the changelogs: Bundler Changelog and RubyGems Changelog. We’re refining our RFC for Bundler Version Locking –#29 and plan to move on to the implementation soon.

As usual, we’re routinely triaging new issues and reviewing pull requests from contributors.

This month, RubyGems gained 172 new commits, contributed by 12 authors. There were 53,323 additions and 1,646 deletions across 2,565 files.

rubygems.org news

This month on RubyGems.org, we reduced delay in update of versions endpoint after gem push from the worst-case of 3,660 seconds to 60 seconds#2612, #2614, #2616.

In addition to that, we made the following improvements and fixes:

  • debugged delay in versions endpoint update on gem push and set surrogate key on versions to reduce Fastly cache expiry. – #2612, #2614
  • worked on pre-update changes for Rails 6.1 and updated and deployed Rails 6.1 update. – #2607, #2597, #2598
  • created Fastly support tickets for dedicated IPs and incorrect status code on matching If-None-Match.
  • worked on updating RubyGems-terraform root files to sync with current state.
  • thanks to @iMacTia, we added a new MFA level UI and gem signin#2601 – find out more about this on RubyGems Guides.

As always, we continue to fix bugs, review and merge PR’s and reply to support tickets.

In January, Rubygems.org gained 89 new commits, contributed by 8 authors. There were 651 additions and 377 deletions across 70 files.

budget & expenses

In January, we saw $8,744.92 in total income, and spent a total of $5,809.74.

  • Stripe Payment Processing Fees $306.84
  • Employee Related $568.48
  • General & Administrative $96.14
  • IT & Software $888.28
  • Professional Fees $0
  • 26.3 Hours of development work at $3,950.00

Until next time,
Irene, André and the Ruby Together team

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