February 2021 Monthly Update

Hello! Welcome to the monthly update. During February, our work was supported by Zendesk, Stitch Fix, DigitalOcean, and many others.

ruby together news

In February, Ruby Together was supported by 40 different companies, including Ruby member Zendesk and Sapphire member Stripe. 8 companies joined as new members.

On top of those companies, 8 new developers signed up as members, including Abdullah Esmail, Grant Hutchins, Dwight VanTuyl, and Niklaus Giger. In total, we were supported by 113 developer members. Thanks to all of our members for making everything that we do possible. <3

rubygems & bundler news

This month on RubyGems, we worked on fixing an issue about source priority that received attention due to a popular blog post. In particular, the lockfile now has separated RubyGems sources, limiting the issue to fresh installs without a lockfile and allowing for a workaround in the other cases (running bundle lock and reviewing the result before installing).

In February, RubyGems gained 114 new commits, contributed by 12 authors. There were 743 additions and 204 deletions across 56 files.

rubygems.org news

This month on RubyGems.org, we reduced the nginx rate limit to mitigate the load on Postgres (#2634) and evaluated the impact of reducing random_page_post in Postgres config.

In addition to that, we made the following improvements and fixes:

  • updated Elasticsearch to v6.8.
  • setup notifications for AWS health events.
  • updated script to block a user from resetting API keys. – #2647
  • reduced font size of title and subtitle on reverse dep page. – #2637
  • enabled safe-site lax cookie policy. – #2638
  • enabled return_only_media_type_on_content_type rails 6.0 default. – #2639
  • thanks to simi, we significantly improved the delay in our build time by migrating from Travis to Github Actions. – #2626.

In February, RubyGems gained 52 new commits, contributed by 3 authors. There were 249 additions and 168 deletions across 23 files.

As always, we continue to fix bugs, review and merge PR’s and reply to support tickets.

Hey everyone,

I hope this update finds you well!

I have recently worked on improving the search response times on the Ruby Toolbox as they had become pretty unbearable in recent months. After some initial prototyping had shown promising results I decided to swap the search index to utilize MeiliSearch instead of Postgres’ built-in full text search. Benchmarks between both on the live site showed that this changed response times from ~13 seconds back to a more reasonable ~1 second. You can also find a corresponding blog post on the Ruby Toolbox.

I have also upgraded the site to run on Ruby 3 and the latest version of Rails early this year.

Next up I want to bring display of a gem’s dependencies (and reverse dependencies later on) to the site and have some follow-up work in removing code regarding the old search indexing.

Stay safe and healthy and until next time!

Best, Chris

budget & expenses

In February, we saw $37,721.27 in total income, and spent a total of $10,573.93.

  • Stripe Payment Processing Fees $259.21
  • Employee Related $577.63
  • General & Administrative $152.11
  • IT & Software $697.48
  • Professional Fees $0
  • 56.3 Hours of development work at $8,437.5

Until next time,
Irene, André and the Ruby Together team

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