December 2023 Newsletter

Hello! Welcome to the December newsletter. Read on for announcements from Ruby Central and a report of the OSS work we’ve done from the previous month. In November, Ruby Central’s open source work was supported by 35 different companies, including Fastly, Sentry, Ruby Shield sponsor Shopify, and brand-new Partner-level member Contributed Systems, the company behind Mike Perham’s incredibly popular Sidekiq. In total, we were supported by 187 members. Thanks to all of our members for making everything that we do possible. <3

Ruby Central News

RubyConf 2023:

  • The official conference videos are live! Check out all of the talks on our youtube channel to relive the RubyConf magic. 

RubyConfTW 2023:

  • Congratulations to RubyGems/Bundler and core maintainers Hiroshi Shibata and Samuel Giddins, who presented at RubyConf Taiwan last weekend! Find out more about their talks here.

Upcoming Conferences:

  • Ruby Central
    • RailsConf 2024 in Detroit on May 7 – 9 will be here in a flash! Tickets are on sale now!
    • Next year’s RubyConf will be in…Chicago! More details to come in the following months. Stay tuned.
  • Community Conferences

Get Involved:

  • If you’d like to get involved and help make our community and events even better, we’d love to have you! Check out our leadership page, and/or feel free to shoot an email to our executive director, Adarsh, to find the best way to get plugged in.
  • Want to share your brand at RailsConf or RubyConf in 2024? Secure your sponsorship now to reach over 500 attendees, showcase your thought leadership, and cultivate invaluable industry relationships by emailing our wonderful sponsorships manager, Tom.
  • Remember, you can receive exclusive benefits like conference discounts and more by signing up for a Ruby Central membership.

RubyGems News

During November in RubyGems, we released RubyGems 3.4.22 and Bundler 2.4.22. These updates are part of our continuous effort to enhance the Ruby development experience.

One of the key changes is a boost in performance, achieved by eliminating the need for regular expression matches in Gem::Platform.local (#7104). Additionally, we shipped an update of the SPDX license list, ensuring that RubyGems is in line with the most recent industry standards (#7040).

Another important update: The YAML serializer has been enhanced to correctly handle empty arrays (#7099). The search process has also been refined, now effectively ignoring .gem files that are not in tar format (#7095). The update also brings a new feature that allows users to uninstall multiple versions of the same gem at once, making gem management more efficient (#7063).

Some other improvements that landed into our repo this month that are NOT included in the above releases are:

  • an added response body on fetch_http error (#7148).
  • a more robust writability check for gem home (#7211).
  • an update to the Magnus library in the Rust extension gem template (#7204).
  • an update to gem uninstall error reporting (#7149).
  • locked gem versions for C extension dependencies (#7161).
  • an added --json output option to bundle-outdated (#7167).
  • a fix for invalid platform removal omitting adjacent platforms (#7170 ).
  • fixed universal lockfiles regression (#7177).
  • dropped Ruby 2.6 and 2.7 support (#7116).
  • fixed bundle install --system deprecation advice (#7190).
  • no longer remembering cli flags like --jobs or --retry in configuration (#7191).
  • an added option for missing --prefer-local to Synopsis in bundle-install.1.ronn (#7194).
  • allowing auto-install to install missing git gems (#7197).
  • ensuring explicit requirement of rubygems (#7139).

In November, RubyGems gained 113 new commits contributed by 23 authors. There were 1,875 additions and 56,824 deletions across 1,496 files. News

The updates to in November reflect a strong commitment to improving user experience, enhancing security, and modernizing the platform.

One of the updates made was to upgrade to Postgresql 12 and updated production and staging DATABASE_URL to PostgreSQL 12 instance (#4245, #4256).

Some other improvements that landed into our repo this month that are NOT included in the above releases are:

  • a fix for deletion version_id backfill when a user is deleted (#4259).
  • an added version_id column to Deletions (#4254).
  • an added trusted publishers feature to help automate gem publishing (#4239).
  • fixed api_key_created email when API key belongs to an OIDC id token (#4233).
  • an added maintenance_task to backfill info files into S3 (#4232).
  • use of an uncached query to compute compact index info in jobs (#4231).
  • an added job to refresh all OIDC provider configs every 30m (#4211)
  • extraction of verified session logic into a concern (#4210).
  • updated installation instructions OS X (#4203).
  • an upgrade of shoryuken to version 5.x (#4166).

In November, gained 83 new commits contributed by 7 authors. There were 950 additions and 501 deletions across 109 files.

Total spent

In November, we completed 450 hours of development work and spent $67,395.73.

Thank you

Thank you to all the contributors of RubyGems and for this month! Your contributions are greatly appreciated, and we are grateful for your support.

Contributors to RubyGems:

Contributors to

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