April 2021 Monthly Update

Hello! Welcome to the monthly update. During April, our work was supported by Zendesk, DigitalOcean, Stitch Fix, and many others.

ruby together news

In April, Ruby Together was supported by 40 different companies, including Ruby member Zendesk. 3 companies joined as new members.

On top of those companies, 3 new developers signed up as members, including Chris Houhoulis, Josh Mills, and Emmanuel Hayford. In total, we were supported by 113 developer members. Thanks to all of our members for making everything that we do possible. <3

rubygems & bundler news

This month in RubyGems, we released new versions for RubyGems v3.2.16, v3.2.17 and corresponding versions for Bundler (v2.2.16 and v2.2.17).

As part of those releases, we made the following improvements and fixes:

  • fixed an issue preventing users from upgrading their sidekiq-pro version from the sidekiq-pro custom gem server – #4563.
  • made Bundler more secure by preventing any credentials from being logged to the screen, thus potentially preventing users from unintentionally leaking them when pasting them to a Github issue or similar situations – #4564, #4566.
  • fixed a few resolution and materialization issues in Bundler – #4556, #4562, and also improved RubyGems handling of repositories including symlinks – #2836.

In April, RubyGems gained 101 new commits, contributed by 15 authors. There were 1,591 additions and 391 deletions across 134 files.

rubygems.org news

In April, RubyGems.org saw several bug fixes and updates, some of which include the following:

For this month, RubyGems.org gained 45 new commits, contributed by 9 authors. There were 424 additions and 52 deletions across 34 files.

Hey everyone,

I hope this update finds you well! Last month I have been busy with all kinds of general maintenance work, like fixing random failures in the Ruby Toolbox visual regression CI tests, a whole set of dependency upgrades, renaming default git branches to main across rubytoolbox repos and fixes on webhook reception.

As mentioned in my last update I’m currently also working on bringing gem dependencies display to the Ruby Toolbox. The data is in place and I have been working on showing it on the site. In that regard I have settled on the UI layout for this feature but still have to spend a bit more work on this to make it ready for production, but I hope to get this ready in May.

Stay safe and healthy and until next time!

Best, Chris

ruby API news

This month for Ruby API I have been working on importing the core Ruby type signatures using the RBS gem where the current definitions are being maintained. Our aim is for the type signatures be parsed inside Ruby API so they can be presented to the user in an easy to understand and digestible fashion.

We’ve also been working hard on merging PRs from our contributors and keeping our dependencies up to date.

– Colby

budget & expenses

In April, we saw $7,960.27 in total income, and spent a total of $22,603.95.

  • Stripe Payment Processing Fees $289.24
  • Employee Related $1,618.35
  • General & Administrative $6,983.42
  • IT & Software $1,037.94
  • 84.5 Hours of development work at $150/hr $12,675

Until next time,
Irene, André and the Ruby Together team

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