Red Cloud Indian School – Red Cloud Indian School

painted sign that reads "welcome back everyone, we missed you"

After over a year of distance learning, with lots of big smiles (covered with masks, of course!), Red Cloud students returned to their classrooms and school community on April 12, 2021. The isolation of the pandemic has brought with it very real consequences for Red Cloud students, as it has for students across the country. Our team of school administrators and principals worked tirelessly to create a plan for our students to be able to reconnect with their teachers, counselors, coaches, and of course with each other. Below, get a sneak peek at scenes from our first days back, and some reflections on this moment from our amazing school leaders.

little girl in a pink jacket and mask sitting at her desk in her classroom

“On our first day back in person since last March, when the students got off the bus, they just smiled and ran to the door. They walked cautiously into the building, sanitized their hands and skipped to their rooms while they followed the new arrows on the floor [to ensure social distancing]. It was great to see and such a warm feeling back in our hearts. The students are here mainly to reconnect safely and to ensure they are safe and comfortable being among the crowd again. We are so happy to have them back. Their voices in the halls are the songs we have missed for so long. It is a beautiful song to hear again.”

5 high school boys siting in a classroom with their masks on

“The joy, excitement, and positive energy was palpable as students got off the bus and were back in our hallways this week! Having students in person has provided one of many reasons for hope in what has been a challenging year. I see this hope as momentum for a great rest of the school year.”

2nd grade boy standing by his desk with a paper in his hand

“Preparing our campus for in-person learning has been a tremendous challenge but worth every effort once I saw the faces of the first students being dropped off by their parents.”

five first graders walking in a straight line

“It was great to have our students return to campus in a safe way. There is such positive energy between students and the teachers.”

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