Red Cloud Food Sovereignty 2021

Red Cloud Student Destiny Big Crow

We are proud of our two students who represented Red Cloud at the Native Youth Leadership Summit. Destiny Big Crow and Jordan Little Whiteman participated in the summit that kicked off the new Partnerships with Native Americans Youth Advisory Board to provide youth leadership and voice in their work to support food sovereignty. Other attendees included youth from across Pine Ridge and Cheyenne River.

Red Cloud Student Jordan Little Whiteman

The summit was at Storm Mountain and presentations included life celebrations and leadership skills, food sovereignty and gardening (presented by our own Farm to School Coordinator), culturally important plants and foraging, and community building. Jordan and Destiny were strong leaders in the summit and we look forward to seeing what grows from their work with the youth advisory board. Lakȟota food sovereignty is a vital movement to revitalize cultural ways, to care for the earth, and to build a healthy community. We are excited to be involved in this important movement and that our young people are leaders in the work that is happening in our community!

Red Cloud Student Destiny Big Crow

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