New Teachers Make Their Homes at Red Cloud

Lauren in front of her RCIS home


After finishing her time as a Red Cloud volunteer, Lauren Big Crow was thrilled about the possibility of returning as a full-time computer teacher. But finding affordable housing on the reservation posed a huge obstacle to making that dream a reality.

That’s exactly why Red Cloud has begun building more housing on campus—as part of a comprehensive initiative to recruit and retain effective and dedicated teachers.

“Here on the Pine Ridge Reservation, there’s a severe shortage of quality, affordable housing. It’s something that many of our families struggle with, and it makes it extremely difficult for us to recruit new teachers to come and make their careers at Red Cloud,” said Robert Brave Heart, Red Cloud’s executive vice president. “New housing will help us to attract the best possible teachers. And that will dramatically improve the kind of education we can provide for our students.”

This summer, with the support of generous partners and supporters from across the country, Red Cloud broke ground on a number of new housing units on its main campus, designed specifically for faculty and staff. These units will help more teachers like Lauren, who was recently able to move into one of Red Cloud’s existing homes, to build their careers here. 

“I am so grateful for the opportunity to work and live here on campus,” said Lauren. “I know housing is limited here on the reservation and getting this apartment has been a huge help for me and my kids, so that we do not have to live with a relative and be a burden. Living on campus makes it easier for us to get to school, it has saved me gas money, now I can put more time into work since I do not have to drive an hour home.”

The goal of Red Cloud’s housing initiative is to keep outstanding teachers like Lauren rooted at Red Cloud for years and even decades to come. And these initial housing units are just the beginning. Red Cloud’s administrators are hoping to build more housing on our Porcupine Campus at Our Lady of Lourdes, approximately 30 miles from the main campus, so that every student in Red Cloud’s school system can benefit from it.

To get involved in this important initiative, please reach out to Michael Welch, special assistant to Red Cloud’s president, at [email protected].

New 3 Bedroom House at RCIS

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