2019 Student Council Thanksgiving Lunch



In the spirit of Thanksgiving, Red Cloud Student Council served a lunch open to any and all community members. They served 181 people on November 20, 2019, in Sacred Heart Church in Pine Ridge. They served 7 hams, 48 cans of green beans, 20 cans of corn, 7 boxes of stuffing, over 200 rolls and much more. The students cooked, served, and cleaned up. They even brought in homemade pies and cakes! No one was left hungry: everyone enjoyed a hearty meal, and some even had second portions. They ran the event with minimal supervision, showing off their leadership skills. Chris Parker, Student Activities Coordinator, could not be more proud. The students showed real character and servanthood hearts. Take a look at the below photos capturing this wonderful event! 


 Chris Parker

Chris Parker – Student Activites Coordinator


RCHS Students Serving Lunch


Students preparing the green beans! 


Community Member in Line3 
Let Thanksgiving lunch begin!


Student Council Serving Thanksgiving2 

Community members being served lunch! 


Student Council Smile

Students enjoying the afternoon! 


Community Member in Line2

Every Student Council member doing their part!


Community Member in Line


There was enough for second portions!


We are very proud of and thankful for our gracious Student Council!



Photos © Red Cloud Indian School 

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