Don’t miss out on this great Puffin-sponsored event at the Museum of the City of New York

October 22, 2018

When: Thursday, November 8, 6:30pm
Price: $15 General Admission | $10 for Museum Members | Free for Students

Amy Goodman interviewing youth activists Hebh Jamal, Ramon Contreras and Brea Baker before an overflow crowd in the Museum’s auditorium

Gladys and Perry Rosenstein, Amy Goodman of Democracy Now, Neal Rosenstein, Sarah Seidman (Puffin Foundation Curator for Social Activism at the MCNY) and Whitney Donhauser (Ronay Menschel Director and President of the MCNY) at the event.

Join journalist Amy Goodman of Democracy Now! and leading youth activists Brea Baker, Ramon Contreras, and Hebh Jamal to discuss the key mobilizations of our moment—from gun control to immigrant rights—and how they draw on a long history of protest. This event celebrates the Museum’s publication of Activist New York: A History of People, Protest, and Politics (NYU Press, 2018) and a new case study on the movement against the Vietnam War in the Activist New York exhibition. Museum curator and author of the Activist New York book, Steven Jaffe, will introduce the program.

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