Dietitian Answers Men’s Plant-Based Diet Questions

Jim Spellos

Q: How can I stay true to a whole food plant-based diet when I am traveling? (Source: Jim Spellos, FFL Instructor from Bayside, N.Y.)

A: Planning is key for maintaining a plant-based diet while traveling. For local or domestic travel, research restaurants ahead of time. When dining with omnivores, it’s usually possible to find restaurants with plant-based menu options. An internet search using the keywords “restaurants with vegan options near me” or “…near ____” may be all you need. If you find yourself in a restaurant without any vegan menu items, think outside the box and look for ingredients on the menu that could be turned into a meal. You could even simply ask for a baked potato and some vegetables cooked without animal fat.

If you’re traveling internationally, the world is your oyster mushroom! Many cultures have vegan-friendly cuisines, including Asian, African, Middle Eastern, Indian, and Latin and South America. Do some research on the area you’re going to and learn about what sort of plant-based foods they have to offer.

For the trip itself, packing your own food is a fantastic habit to get into. It leaves a lot less up to chance. This could look like keeping a supply of fruit, vegetables, or grain- or legume-based snacks at the ready for when hunger hits. Granola bars are a great option. Additionally, many airlines offer vegan meals for longer flights. On a road trip? Remember that you’re in the driver’s seat and can choose where to stop for food.

Finally, if you’re staying with hosts, let them know well in advance that you are plant-based and offer to help with cooking or suggest a few simple recipes or pantry items that would make your stay with them enjoyable. Remember that plants are cheaper than meat, so your request probably won’t cost them much extra money!

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