With New RFP, OpenSFS to Invest in Critical Open Source Technologies for HPC

Today OpenSFS released a new Request for Proposals for Lustre feature development feature development, parallel file system tools, addressing Lustre technical debt, and new efforts in parallel file system development (incubators). In 2012, OpenSFS invested over $2 million dollars in open source scalable file system technologies, including significant investments in maintaining the canonical Lustre tree, new feature development, and testing and development infrastructure.

Goals for this investment are to:

  1. Further the Lustre roadmap to meet the highest priority requirements defined by the community
  2. Develop production quality tools to ease administration and use of open source scalable file systems
  3. Address Lustre technical debt to improve the code base and documentation thereof
  4. Encourage new efforts in open source scalable file systems for high performance and data intensive computing to broaden the set of solutions available to the community

Interested parties are advised to review the RFP documentation at the OpenSFS website.

For those that choose not to respond to the RFP but would be interested in making this effort a success, OpenSFS encourages joining the OpenSFS technical working group.

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