OpenSFS to Sponsor Lustre Events at ISC’13

OpenSFS is sponsoring a number of Lustre community events as well as a booth at ISC’13 in Leipzig, Germany.

  • Lustre Birds of a Feather Session (Tuesday, June 18 from 3:30-5:30pm)
    • Room M05 at the Messhaus, located next door to the Congress Center
    • Agenda:
      • Community introduction: Galen Shipman, OpenSFS, and Hugo Falter, EOFS
      • Fastforward project, Eric Barton, Intel
      • Lustre Marketing Asset Acquisition and Update, Michael K. Connolly, Xyratex
      • Lustre Releases and Feature Panel: Peter Jones, Intel (moderator)
      • Lustre Industry Panel: Torben Kling Peterson, Xyratex (moderator)
  • Lustre Breakfast Panel (Wednesday, June 19 from 7:15-8:45am)
    • Hall C4 CCL Congress Center Leipzig
    • Participants:
      • Moderated by Frank Baetke, HP
      • Panelists include Aurélien Degrémont, CEA; Barry Bolding, Cray; Jeff Denworth, DDN; Klaus Wolkersdorfer, FZJ; Mark Seager, Intel; Bronis de Supinski, LLNL; Galen Shipman, OpenSFS / ORNL; Tommy Minyard, OpenSFS / TACC; Torben Kling-Peterson, Xyratex
  • OpenSFS and EOFS booth party (Wednesday, June 19, from 4-6pm)
    • Stop by to join us for a drink and meet others in the community!

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