LUG 2014 | OpenSFS: The Lustre File System Community


LUG 2014 featured our highest attendance to date! Thanks to everyone for participating. We hope to see you online and at our coming Lustre events around the world.

PDFs of the presentations can be found on the LUG 2014 Presos page.

Here’s a time lapse video of LUG 14 produced by Rich Brueckner at InsideHPC –

The Lustre® User Group (LUG) conference is the industry’s primary venue for discussion and seminars on the Lustre parallel file system and other open source file system technologies.

OpenSFS was proud to host LUG 2014  in Miami, Florida on April 8-10, 2014. The event included more than 25+ sessions where attendees had the opportunity to:

  • Hear from the world’s leading developers, administrators, solution providers, and users of Lustre
  • Be an active participant in industry dialogue on best practices and emerging technologies
  • Explore upcoming developments of the Lustre file system
  • Immerse in the strong Lustre community, working collaboratively to further the development of Lustre

Take a look at the LUG 2014 Agenda. Download the LUG 2014 Program.

In addition to technical sessions, LUG included an evening networking reception, poster exhibition, Work Group meetings, and multiple networking opportunities. View the LUG 2014 slideshow below.

Many thanks to our sponsors for their support of LUG 2014!




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