Would The World Be Better Off Without Religion?

And if the world is much better off without the true and the honest form of religion,
why not put the hypocrites in with them, too? Thank you.



John Donvan:
Thank you. Thank you, Anthony Grayling. Our motion is “The world would be better off without religion,” and here to speak against the motion, David Wolpe. He’s the rabbi of Sinai Temple in Los Angeles, California. Newsweek Magazine named you — what is this,
the way it was phrased, the number one pulpit rabbi in America.

Rabbi David Wolpe:
I hope we’re not voting on that tonight.

John Donvan:
I just want to — I mean, do they have playoffs or —


Rabbi David Wolpe:
Oh, yes. Yeah, stadiums, playoffs, National league, American league.

John Donvan:
All right. Ladies and gentlemen — this pulpit is yours —

Rabbi David Wolpe:
Thank you.

John Donvan:
— David Wolpe.


Rabbi David Wolpe:The caustic and brilliant philosopher at Columbia University, Sidney Morgenbesser, was once sitting in the back of a lecture where the English philosopher, J.L. Austin, said that we know that two negatives make a positive, if I say I will never not miss you, it means I’ll always miss you.

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