Should NATO Admit Ukraine? – Open to Debate

Garry Kasparov

Yeah, I, I, I always, uh, get an- angry when people compare Putin, you know, a- was a chess player. I insisted that Putin kept playing poker and in poker you can be reckless and easily deterred. What you should do is call the bluff. Putin, uh, is reckless because for so many years, actually for more than two decades, he met no opposition. He bluffed, raised the stakes, having a very weak hand, and the other side always folded cards. So, uh, just, you know, called the bluff. That’s what happened, by the way. We see his, uh, ingenious plan of taking Kiev in three days, by the way, which, uh, was also the expectation of, uh, Americans and Europeans. He failed. And now the deterrence means that, you know, Ukraine, you know, be will be well armed.

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