Urgent Update and Call to Action – Nova Ukraine

Recent weeks saw a surge in attacks against Ukraine’s critical infrastructure, and the March 22 bombardment left over 1.5 million people without power, as continued attacks through the weekend targeted many regions across Ukraine.

These assaults focused on key cities, including Kyiv, Lviv, and particularly Kharkiv. The aftermath is grave: disrupted lives, heightened insecurity, and a pressing need for immediate humanitarian response and infrastructure recovery. This critical escalation continued previous systematic attempts to debilitate Ukraine’s energy facilities, intensifying the hardships for millions.

How We Are Responding

Emergency Response

Our teams, alongside our partners on the ground, are actively delivering aid, focusing on first responders and providing humanitarian assistance.

Restoring Energy: Supporting Life in Critical Conditions

Life-saving initiatives, such as delivering large-capacity generators to hospitals and power generators to communities, ensure that essential services remain uninterrupted, underscoring our dedication to maintaining critical infrastructure.

Points of Invincibility: Warming Centers

Nova Ukraine has created 111 Points of Invincibility in partnership with the Howard G. Buffett Foundation and Ukrainian Railways (Ukrzaliznitsya). These warming centers, located in railway stations and other strategic locations, offer warmth, safety, and connectivity to over 1.3 million Ukrainians facing the dire consequences of conflict. Each point serves as a safe space where families can find solace, children can play, and everyone can stay connected with the world.

Looking Ahead: Strategic Infrastructure Support

Our innovative Energy4Ukraine initiative and other alternative energy solutions aim to provide sustainable power sources. A key project involves outfitting schools, which also serve as bomb shelters, with solar panels to ensure uninterrupted power. This approach not only addresses immediate needs, but also lays the groundwork for a more resilient and sustainable energy infrastructure.

Our Team in Kharkiv: A Story of Resilience

In the midst of a blackout that left Kharkiv without power, water, and nearly cut off from communication, the MedHub team sprung into action. They are the backbone of our medical team, responsible for navigating life-saving shipments. With a generator from Nova Ukraine, they tackled the blackout head-on: checking the warehouse’s electrical setup, searching the city for gasoline amidst closed stations and long lines, and finally, getting everything up and running again. They managed to restore internet connectivity and keep the medical warehouse operational, ensuring requests and shipments went on uninterrupted.

Your Support is Vital

  • Donate: Your contribution will help deliver essential medical supplies, basic necessities, and support to first responders, and support our long-term projects. Donate now or consider sending us a check.
  • Spread the Word: Sharing this information with your network amplifies our reach and the support we can provide.

Despite the challenges, including frequent power outages and logistical hurdles, our dedication remains unwavering. Our team, powered by the spirit of unity and the support of donors like you, continues to navigate these critical times, driven by the belief in a brighter, peaceful future for Ukraine.

We Are Stronger Together!

Amplify Your Support Through Advocacy

Consider participating in our advocacy efforts at the Spring 2024 Action Summit in Washington D.C. Your involvement is key to our success! This event will focus on the key message PEOPLE’S LIVES ARE NOT POLITICS.

The Action Summit will be held on April 12-16, 2024 by the American Coalition for Ukraine, an organization cofounded by Nova Ukraine.

Donate. Impact. Change.

We greatly value your support, and it is indeed crucial. Please consider donating monthly. Your consistent contributions are vital to sustaining our efforts and driving meaningful change over time. Your commitment will make a lasting difference, and we sincerely appreciate your consideration. Donate now or learn how you can help.

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