Ukraine’s Bakery Cultivating Community and Hope – Nova Ukraine

By Sofiia Tiapkina

For the past six years, the bakery Good Bread from Good People has been quietly changing lives. This isn’t just any bakery. It is a testament to the Ukrainian unity and a vital source of sustenance in times of dire need. As russia’s war keeps devastating Ukraine’s grain supply through the theft of grain and destruction of wheat fields, the role of Good Bread from Good People becomes even more crucial. Bread, a staple of Ukrainian culture, symbolizes more than just food. It reminds many Ukrainians of home, family, and peace.

Empowering Lives Through Inclusion

At its core, Good Bread from Good People is a social enterprise with a mission to create an inclusive community. It empowers people with mental disabilities to live dignified, fulfilled lives and be integrated into society with equal employment opportunities. Founded over six years ago, the bakery started with a small team baking assorted cakes and cookies, with recipes developed in collaboration with professionals. Since then, Good Bread from Good People has grown significantly, expanding its product range into mousses, croissants, and tarts, and employing ten individuals with mental disabilities by the end of 2021.

Resilience Amidst Invasion

The full-scale invasion in February 2022 marked a turning point for the bakery. The initial days of the invasion saw the bakery’s operation halt. Most employees left Kyiv with their families or caretakers, and the staff kept in touch to make sure everyone was alright. Now, the bakery is a lifeline for many. With the help of volunteers, the bakery began producing thousands of loaves of bread daily — free of charge — for the territorial defense forces, and later for newly liberated territories and front-line areas. The bakery’s team, including individuals with mental disabilities, grew to include new employees and displaced persons, reaching a total of 27, alongside 5 supporting bakers and 10 project managers.

Beyond Bread: A Mission of Normalcy and Hope

The bakery’s work goes beyond providing bread. It is about creating a sense of normalcy and hope amidst chaos. The daily gratitude from bread recipients, the smiles and progress of their employees, and the simple joy of baking serve as motivations to continue their work.

Oleh joined the bakery in 2021, initially barely speaking to anyone or making eye contact. Over time, he changed dramatically thanks to the nurturing environment at Good Bread from Good People. Today, Oleh is an engaged and smiling employee, eagerly participating in the bakery’s daily activities.

In May 2022, Roman came to the bakery from Chernihivka, a town in the occupied territory of the Berdyansk district in the Zaporizhzhia region. The stress of war exacerbated Roman’s condition, and he worked in a somber and nervous manner. With the support from the other staff, he now flourishes as a quick and efficient worker, helping train new employees.

Dreaming of a Better Future

As Ukraine faces an uncertain future, Good Bread from Good People dreams of changing conditions in psychiatric hospitals and societal attitudes toward individuals with mental disabilities. They hope for a future where inclusive social entrepreneurship flourishes, and more bakeries like theirs can emerge across Ukraine. Nova Ukraine has been collaborating with Good Bread from Good People to help sustain the bakery’s operations through funding and supplies for over six months. Our partnership underscores the importance of community and international support in times of crisis. The bakery is now embarking on new projects such as distributing free lunches, setting up art workshops, and holding lectures to further support their community and employees.

In the context of russia’s war in Ukraine, the work of Good Bread from Good People is a shining example of how community, resilience, and support can come together to make a difference. Nova Ukraine is honored to support this remarkable bakery, which feeds not just the body, but the soul of a nation fighting for its freedom and future.

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