Be the Warmth – Nova Ukraine

Join Us in Warming Lives This Winter — Your Support is Crucial!

Ukraine is bracing for its second tough winter of the full-scale invasion with a severely damaged energy infrastructure. Despite massive repairs to the energy system, it remains fragile after the many months of russian strikes. As a result, millions of Ukrainian families are bracing for power outages.

Many communities are preparing for the cold temperatures and hardships of regular blackouts, compounded by damaged homes, unstable electrical grid, and unreliable gas supply. In the winter, temperatures in Ukraine can drop from 35°F to a frigid -4°F, and this is particularly concerning for the large number of displaced Ukrainians in the eastern and central regions.

The energy crisis poses significant risks, but your support makes resilience possible.

Our Response

Nova Ukraine aims to strengthen both smaller communities and critical infrastructure across the country during these tumultuous times. We support the impacted communities by deploying compact power stations, providing warm clothing and bedding, as well as distributing essential supplies and tools for home repairs.

Power Solutions

We have procured portable power stations and prepared them for distribution during emergencies. They are especially critical for smaller hospitals in areas with unstable electricity, ensuring the operation of essential equipment.

Essential Supplies

We have stockpiled heating equipment and portable gas stoves to ensure warmth and the ability to cook during power outages. We anticipate an increased demand for stoves and fuel as the weather gets colder. Your donations will help meet this growing need.

Clothing and Shelter

We contracted local Ukrainian textile businesses to manufacture thermal underwear, sleeping bags, and blankets designed to offer maximum warmth and comfort. There is a dire need for reliable housing and shelters, so we have procured and are distributing tools essential for home repairs, aiding communities in reinforcing their homes against the winter.

Your Contribution Matters

  • Immediate Support: Your donations fund the delivery of essential supplies.
  • Sustaining the Warmth: Help us maintain the production of warm clothing.
  • Rapid Response Capabilities: Contribute to our ability to respond to evolving energy needs.
  • Tools for Repair: Help us provide locals with repair tools to secure their homes against bitter cold.

Please consider supporting our Winter Initiative today!

Donate. Impact. Change.

We greatly value your support, and it is indeed crucial. Please consider donating monthly. Your consistent contributions are vital to sustaining our efforts and driving meaningful change over time. Your commitment will make a lasting difference, and we sincerely appreciate your consideration.

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