University of Utah and Recent AARO Director Publish Study of NUFORC Data

In a study published today on, researchers at the University of Utah collaborated with Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick, the recent director of the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), to analyze 98,000 reports from the National UFO Reporting Center Data Bank.  Their article,  “An Environmental Analysis of Public UAP Sightings and Sky View Potential,” offers an interesting perspective on UAP sightings.

Key Findings from the study include:

  1. Geographical Factors: The study leverages Bayesian regression to explore how local environmental factors like light pollution, cloud cover, and nearby aircraft or military installations impact UAP sightings.
  2. UAP Hotspots: The study found that the Western US and Northeast have reported higher numbers of UAP sightings, possibly influenced by physical geography and cultural factors.
  3. Data Reliability: The study acknowledges the challenge of verifying UFO reports but finds value in the spatial patterns observed.

Environmental and Sociocultural Considerations:

  • Natural phenomena and human-made objects (such as drones or aircraft) are considered potential explanations for some sightings. We at NUFORC have long acknowledged that the majority of the reports we receive fall into this category.
  • The study suggests that sociocultural factors, including public interest spikes following popular media on aliens, can influence sighting reports.


  • The research offers an explanation of why UAP sighting reports vary spatially, unsurprisingly emphasizing the importance of visibility and air traffic.
  • It opens new avenues for exploring UAP sightings, considering both environmental context and sociocultural factors.

Implications for Future Research:

  • Further analysis could include examining sociocultural influences, regional differences, and temporal trends in UAP sightings.
  • The study advocates for a scientific approach to UAP research, free from stigma, to better understand these unexplained phenomena. We wholeheartedly agree!

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