Metallic Orbs | NUFORC

Sean Kirkpatrick, director of the All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office, or AARO, recently made the following striking statement about unidentified flying metallic orbs in a public presentation with NASA: “We see these all over the world, and we see these making very interesting apparent maneuvers.” A clip of the portion of the presentation containing this statement, which also shows video footage of such an object shot from an MQ-9 reaper drone in Iraq can be viewed here.

NUFORC can certainly corroborate his statement. Here is a list of 21 cases recently reported to the Center of anomalous metallic spheres or orbs.

Date / Time City State Summary
6/28/23 Puyallup WA Saw silver sphere in sky with sun reflecting off of it super bright. It hung in the sky about 10 seconds, then veared off and dissapear
6/25/23 Bowling Green KY Silver sphere with sun reflecting off of it. Moved slightly left then stayed still then faded from view entirely.
6/24/23 Parker CO 2 metallic orbs flying in opposite directions
6/19/23 Wheat Ridge CO Low flying, fast moving, absolutely silent reflective orb, no clouds, broad daylight.
6/15/23 San Francisco CA At 15 min before landing I clearly saw a spherical metal object flying against the plane direction I was fast at least 5 seconds
6/11/23 Cape coral FL Actually, had three sightings. Daughter told me what she saw I came outside and then I saw it too. I tried to take pic, too fast
6/10/23 Killeen TX Orb sighting
6/7/23 Highway 20 NM Metallic orb hovering no sound size of basketball
6/5/23 Cork County Cork 2 flying crafts in the same direction both 100ft in the sky moving at consistent speed
6/4/23 WA Metallic/Gray orb was flight just above a layer of clouds in the opposite direction of my flight.
6/1/23 Bozeman MT A round object that didn’t move in one spot.
5/30/23 Morgantown WV Metallic orb flew over our house – silently and at low altitude
5/21/23 Sydney Metallic spherical object travelling in straight line over head in the direction of the military base
5/14/23 Simnasho OR Flying southbound, saw 2 silver spheres at 10,700′
5/14/23 Monmouth OR Slow silver metallic ball moving NE
5/13/23 Los Angeles CA On May 13th, 2023 I noticed a bright flashing object in the sky of in the distance as I took a closer look I could see a metallic Orb.
4/19/23 Tarpon springs FL I was driving home from a roller blade with my dog when I saw what looked like a metal ball in the sky
3/15/23 Bronx NY Saw metallic ball 150 feet above head moving sound..silver
6/1/22 Hradec nad Moravicí Opava District Son and I saw a dark spherical object hovering in the sky over the valley
11/25/21 Heber City UT Witnessed a metallic disc or sphere traveling East to West.
5/6/21 Moab UT Filmed two spherical metal objects fly by, both following the same flight path.

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