Fighter Jets Circle UAP in Michigan on June 3 (Updated June 22)

NUFORC receives 10 to 20 UFO reports each day. Our standard procedure is to review and post these reports in batches, however we felt the following incident was significant enough to release ASAP. On June 3, four witnesses observed what was described as an aerial “dogfight” between 2 jets and a UAP over a Meijer’s grocery store in Bad Axe Michigan. Here is the report:

Quiet afternoon no signs of planes it’s, 10 am, in the parking lot of the storage unit across from Miejers. Myself, my wife and 2 Co workers were helping move my camper! Suddenly ear shattering afterburner on 2 what I think were F-16 or F-22 were flying together whilst dogfighting something I couldn’t see at first. They would circle fast as they could looking intently for something. Circling the sun around about 2 or 3 times and suddenly there was this white/metallic disc hard to see because it was shining with the sun, it seemed to hide in the sun from the fighters, whom obviously couldn’t see it. The UAP was extremely fast it was capable of overtaking and outmaneuvering the fighter jets with extreme ease. It would overtake a jet, stop suddenly and seemed to turn toward the incoming jet like spin in there direction without moving. The jet would shoot out anti missile flares like it was under direct attack. The UAP was also comfortable to just spin again and make the next jet flanking shoot its anti missile flares! There was clear distress. The fighters took off together repeating this attack approximately 3 times before taking off in an ear shattering retreat. The UAP sat in the sun a moment longer and seemed to circle the area almost as in a victory lap, it then departed with absolutely no sound in the complete opposite direction as the fighter jets had flown. To be clear when the UAP was stationary and the jets had flown away every time the 3 attempts and the retreat the only clear sound of a airplane was the fighters who seemed to be intercepting this sudden threat. I did not see if the UAP had shot anything I could define as a weapon. And the fact that the dogfight happened almost entirely in the rays of the sun my galaxy s22 ultra was not able to get anything other than a blinding glare and noise

If anyone else was witness to this event we encourage you to file a report.

UPDATE – June 14.

We just spoke with the witness who filed the report, as well as his wife who also viewed the incident. After reviewing photos of types of military aircraft he able to narrow down the identification of the jets to F-16’s, not F-22’s. When the F-16s departed, they flew to the south, while the UAP disappeared over the lake. The witness has military experience and was familiar with aircraft from his time stationed at the 304th Expeditionary Signal Battalion in Korea, where he was trained. He also added that for 4 days after the sighting the jets returned to the same spot at 10AM, firing flare again on the 4th day.

We have asked the witness to send us a drawing of the UAP, as well as to encourage his friends to submit corroborating reports, which we will post as soon as we receive them.

UPDATE – June 18

Last night we received the following report from the wife of the original witness, who described the event from her vantage point:

While dropping off my camper at Thumb Storage on the morning of June 3rd, 2023, around 10:00 am, I was sitting in my car as my husband unhooked the camper from the truck. Suddenly, the roar of jets filled the air; they were both loud and incredibly fast. As I often do when I hear jets, I watched them carefully. This time, however, they began to fire flares, circling an object that I spotted emerging from the brilliance of the sun. It’s difficult to describe what I saw accurately, but the object appeared to be a disk-like shape and metallic in color. The peculiar type of metallic hue was blending with the sunlight, making it rather hard to discern. I called out for my husband, who was already attempting to record the surreal occurrence. The jets continued their circling maneuver around this unidentified aerial phenomenon (UAP) a few more times, and launched more flares. It seemed as though they were having difficulty tracking the object, perhaps losing it in the sun’s glare. Remarkably, the UAP was silent, moving in a sort of skipping motion. After they lost sight of it once more, the jets promptly departed.

Media Interest

Several local news sites, as well as Coast to Coast AM, have picked up the story. Mark Birdsall, assistant editor of the Huron Daily Tribune, reached out to several air bases to try to to identify where the jets came from, but came up empty. He did, however, identify several other witnesses who saw the jets and one who also confirmed the UAP. Read his full article here.

UPDATE – June 22

Linda Mouton Howe has posted an in depth interview with 2 of the witnesses on YouTube. In the interview there is some discussion that the jets may have been F-35’s rather than F-16’s. Click here to view the video. The interview starts at the 5 minute time mark and lasts roughly 20 minutes.

Furthermore, a caller to the hotline has communicated that there are radar tapes he has seen proving the jets were over Bad Axe at the time of the sighting.

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