Dramatic Triangle Sightings – 396 New Reports Posted

The National UFO Reporting Center Data Bank has been updated with 396 new reports, received at our center since March 13. To say things have been dramatic in the skies would be an understatement. Here are some of the best recent sightings::

April 12, 2024, at 21:56, Navarre, Florida: A mysterious, triangle-shaped object was observed by three military witnesses. This black, camouflaged craft, slightly larger than a commercial Airbus, exhibited unusual behavior and advanced capabilities. It hovered silently at an altitude of 8,000 feet, adorned with 16 lights that mimicked starlight, blending seamlessly into the night sky. Despite moving slowly, the object quickly exited the viewers’ line of sight without traversing the horizon, instead appearing to ascend directly into orbit. The sighting, which lasted about 35 seconds, originated south-southeast of the observers and moved westbound from Air Force Special Operations Command Hurlburt Field. The event was promptly reported to Hurlburt Field Security Forces to ensure both public and military safety. FULL REPORT

March 13, 2024, 3:20 AM, Idaho Falls, Idaho: A solitary observer experienced a brief but memorable sighting of an unidentified flying object. The observer, who was outside tending to their dog, noticed a chevron-shaped, dark gray object with a flattened, wide wingspan, resembling a very long jet. The object, adorned with seven bright lights in a V formation, traveled overhead from north to northeast in a swift, silent arc, covering the observer’s field of view in approximately one second. Positioned about a quarter to a half-mile up in the sky, this craft moved at a speed far exceeding that of conventional jets, more akin to a rocket’s full-speed trajectory. Despite its startling appearance and rapid movement, the craft emitted no sound as it crossed the clear, starlit sky, leaving the observer with a vivid and intriguing visual impression but no opportunity for further observation due to icy conditions and the proximity of nearby homes. FULL REPORT

February 16, 2024, 19:04: Two pilots flying approximately 100 miles south of Fayetteville, North Carolina observed a remarkable event. At 19:04 local time, they witnessed a massive triangular craft, roughly the size of a football field, maneuvering approximately 32,000 feet below their airliner, which was cruising at 36,000 feet. This black craft, surrounded by a noticeable aura or haze, was equipped with three white lights positioned at its corners and a central red light at the rear, which turned off after about 30 seconds. Despite its size and proximity—about 3,000 to 4,000 feet from the aircraft—it was not detected by onboard radar or the Traffic Collision Avoidance System (TCAS). The sighting, which lasted between two to three minutes, ended as the craft appeared to emit a static discharge and then vanished into the night, leaving the witnesses unsure if it had departed or simply gone dark. The pilots managed to capture a few photographs of this enigmatic encounter on a cellphone. FULL REPORT

March 26, 2024, New York, NY: A very clear video of a black elliptical object taken from the window of an aircraft descending into Laguardia airport made a big splash in the media over the past week, and was covered extensively in the press and on TV. We, however, believe the object was a balloon, possibly a special type known as a solar balloon. FULL REPORT

Here is the full list of highlighted reports included in this new posting:

Date / Time City State Summary
4/24/24 Multiple objects above our altitude.
4/12/24 Indio CA On a stargazing trip with 3 NASA scientists, a cluster of objects repeatedly flew overhead.
4/12/24 Navarre FL Triangle object, 16 visible lights, craft left line of sight without flying over horizon, instead appearing to leave orbit
4/12/24 Yucca AZ I witnessed and filmed an oblong object moving in the sky with no noise, a large directional light and window.
4/5/24 Rock Island IL Crazy Light was first..
3/25/24 New York NY Black flying cylinder object at eye level to me on airplane.
3/24/24 Temple TX A pyramid-shaped black object the size of a basketball flying above the clouds 150ft from our plane. Had no wings, propellers, or trail
3/21/24 Jacksboro TN Black triangle craft silently traveling directly above me, emitting no sound save for a humming vibration that I could feel and hear.
3/15/24 Springfield OR 30-50′ diameter light burnt orange sphere which came from the west/southwest over my farm, flew for 20-30 miles before disappearing.
3/13/24 Idaho Falls ID Inverted v shaped, 7 bright lights,fast moving , no sound traveling north to northeast
2/16/24 Fayetteville NC Large acre plus-sized triangular craft traveling approx 32000 feet.
1/23/24 Corfe Mullen England Circle of lights
12/13/23 Warrington PA Saw an object moving silently N then NE in the sky while sitting in my hot tub
7/27/23 Pearl MS Strange craft playing hide and seek with military craft.
7/29/22 Angora MN Disc/sphere shape with incredibly bright lights and a pulsating blue/white beam
3/11/21 Clinton MS Triangle, about 20-25 ft sides. Moved slowly ( 20-35 mph). No sound. Red light on bottom in middle. Really bright white light on front
9/24/20 Chico CA after checking out the bear fire, very large craft lept from under 10,000ft to outer space in 1 sec, and zipped around ~10,000mph+
7/21/18 Whitehall MT Spinning craft on a vertical axis
11/6/17 Terra Bella CA Football field triangle shape slow flying and low and 2 jet fighters escorting
5/15/16 Fairfax VA Triangle craft spotted hovering over neighborhood house
5/9/15 Springfield OR I saw a large circular “orb” in the sky. I watched it for awhile. And then it took off and disappeared.
3/11/15 Broomfield Colorado Standing watch on the bridge wing and seen amber lights surround us and act strangely
8/12/09 Pateros WA Black triangle craft silent teleportation technology very advanced.
6/1/09 Rapid City SD Witnessed an 8″ x 2ft. black rectangle with blurred hind portion appearing out of the fog about 15ft. in the air.
7/15/03 Middle Island NY Small red lights circling around a large green football object
8/13/02 Shannon MS Roughly 50 ft. overhead were two enormous crafts with dozens of white lights flashing on and off an random intervals
10/31/97 Airway Heights WA Saw a Bright Green low flying object with 2 others twice
5/12/92 Corydon Indiana Large Yellow/orange sphere sailed over highway from North to South
5/20/88 Sonoita AZ I was active duty in the USAF, a jet engine mechanic and observed three circular crafts
8/1/79 Germantown Tennessee 4 kids and a Dog
3/17/79 Maumee IN Stationary object with 5 sweeping search lights at treetop level
7/14/78 Santa Clarita CA Saw in air and seconds afterwards descended over my swimming pool suspended over water for 2 minutes
12/21/74 Irvine CA We both saw it up above us about what seemed like 3 mikes

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