Disclosure – How You Can Help

Peter and Christian recently attended the Contact in the Desert UFO Conference in Indio, CA, where the topic of disclosure was omnipresent in talks, workshops, and informal discussions. It is clear that as realization of the reality of the phenomenon seeps deeper and deeper into the public consciousness, the frustration with the constant stonewalling from those guarding the secret continues to build.

Foremost among the organizations fighting for disclosure is the New Paradigm Institute, led by well-known public interest lawyer Daniel Sheehan. The Institute works through a combination of public awareness campaigns, lobbying efforts, and collaboration with experts in various fields. They aim to pressure government agencies to release classified information and promote open scientific investigation of UFO/UAP incidents. By engaging the public and policymakers, the Institute seeks to demystify these phenomena and ensure that any potential implications for national security and scientific understanding are thoroughly explored.

The New Paradigm Institute is currently conducting a campaign to urge Congress to include a revised UAP Disclosure Act in next year’s legislative agenda. We encourage you to visit their website at newparadigminstitute.org, where you can lend your voice to the effort by pressing the “Take Action Now” button. This will identify your representatives and provide a simple, one-click action you can take to inform them of your support.

The more of us who participate and organize, the better our chances of chipping away at the brick wall of secrecy the shadow government has erected around this subject!

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