97 New UFO Reports Posted

Just in time for the holidays we have added 97 new reports to our Data Bank. Here are the 9 we found most intriguing:

Date / Time City State Summary
12/14/23 Pawleys Island SC 4-5 orange solid lights arranged in a triangle shape
12/13/23 Greensboro NC AM sighting of a bright intense light that was hovering over tree line and a PM sighting with 2 crafts of the same “look”.
12/8/23 Lowell MI Greyish disc with two bright white lights one on each side on front circumference and multi colored red green lights
11/28/23 Ridge MD Object hovered approx 1/2 mile above Potomac River
9/10/97 Tonopah AZ Craft came in contact with us in our RV
10/8/94 Piru CA Huge low flying craft
11/15/89 Fort Irwin CA 3 white lights in a triangle in a stationary small cloud in a cloudless sky turning every 2-3 seconds 2 hours then off
6/15/73 Madison CT Grey overcast sky with a shard of sunlight breaking thru & hitting the top of a motionless object. After a minute it flys directly away
6/15/68 Miamisburg OH Three Flying Disks lights around them.

Our next update will be in early January.

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