657 New Reports Posted | NUFORC

The NUFORC website has been updated with the posting of 657 new sighting reports, received at our headquarters between September 7th and the afternoon of October 8th, 2022.  In addition to those reports, we include an additional 109 reports that may have been received prior to that time, but which have been corrected, or amended, for any of several reasons.

When reading the reports, visitors should be alert to the fact that all of the reports are preliminary, and may be explainable by prosaic events of terrestrial cause or origin.  A good example of this point is the launch from Cape Canaveral of a SpaceX rocket at approximately 7:40 p.m. (EDT) on Saturday, September 24th, 2022, that gave rise to dozens of “UFO” reports.  Moreover, the payload the missile was carrying was several dozen “Starlink” satellites, which gave rise to still more reports of “UFOs,” over several subsequent nights.  We have posted all of those reports to our website, in order to illustrate how easily a person can be misled into believing  that he or she has been witness to a genuine UFO.


Over the past 48 years of its existence, the National UFO Reporting Center has been funded largely by its Director, together with a few generous contributions by individuals who support our cause.  Given that the workload has increased dramatically over recent years, and given that the expense of operating NUFORC and its telephone Hotline has increased, we have decided that is an appropriate time to invite voluntary financial contributions from the millions of people who use our services annually, in order to lift some of the financial burden off the shoulders of the Center’s Director.  Consequently, we have placed a provision on our website, whereby people may use a credit card to make a contribution to our organization.  To make a donation, simply click the DONATE link at the top of any page, or Click Here.

If you are “old school,” and, therefore, might prefer to mail a check in order to support our activities and services, you may mail them to our business address, which appears below:

National UFO Reporting Center
P. O. Box 700
Davenport, WA  99122-0700

We thank you in advance for your support!

(Please note that although NUFORC is a Washington State non-profit corporation, it does not have federal 501 C.3 tax status.  Hence, contributions to NUFORC may not be deductible for federal tax purposes.)


Our next update will be at sometime after October 18th, 2022.

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