2020 Posts | NUFORC

Compendium of all posts from 2020


At long last, we have updated our website, with the posting of 1,389 new UFO sighting report, submitted to our offices since November 5th, 2020, the date of our last posting.

We apologize for the long delay in updating the site, and we will make every effort to post new reports as quickly as we can, in future months.  In addition, we hope to be able to include in those updates many more photos and illustrations than we have posted in recent months.  We address below a few things that witnesses, and visitors to our website and UFO Hotline can do, that will aid us in getting the reports posted in a more timely manner than we have been able to do, recently.

1.     PLEASE PROOF-READ YOUR WRITTEN REPORTS BEFORE SUBMITTING THEM: Without a doubt,  the most time-consuming task we have to perform, before we are able to update the site, is the proof-reading of each new report, and the editing of many of them.  We know from now  considerable experience on the matter, that every report has to be at least scanned by as proof-reader, before it is posted, and fully one-third to one-half of them require extensive correction and editing.  When we receive a “slug” of reports, as has been the case, on several occasions over recent months, they represent a considerable  time “sink” of work in order to correct dates, and other details in the report; remove names, addresses, an other personal data that people include in the “Description” box their reports, despite clear instructions that they not do so; delete duplicate reports; and perform many other functions, including the removal of profanity, and other objectionable text.  All of those functions take considerable time, and they could be eliminated if people would “spell check” and self-edit their reports before submitting them.

2.     PLEASE BE BRIEF IN YOUR E-MESSAGES: We are being “smothered” with e-mail, all of which takes considerable time to respond to.  If you wish to correspond with our headquarters, please keep your e-messages brief, and to the point!  A short message will receive a more prompt response than a long one will!

3.     PRANK CALLS TO OUR HOTLINE: We continue to receive a substantial number of “prank” calls during every day of operation, and we request, once again, that people not use our UFO telephone Hotline for their childish amusement.  All these foolish calls (usually dozens per day) represent a terrible waste of our time.  If you are a parent or grandparent who supervises children who own cell phones, we encourage you to become engaged with their use of those telephones, to ensure yourself that they are not being misused!


We plan to update our website again soon, in order principally to post some of the better photographs and illustrations our Center has received over recent months.  However, in order to whet people’s appetites, we include below a few highlights off the items we have received recently:

  • North Carolina (in-flight), Friday, November 13, 2020 @ 21:00 hrs. (Eastern Time Zone): The Pilot and 1st Officer of a flight from Charlotte, NC, to Harrisburg, PA, witness an intensely brightly lighted object descend out of the night sky in front of their aircraft, stop instantly, execute a ~90-degree turn, and go streaking off in the night.  Witness Report
  • Los Angeles, California, Wednesday, January 15, 2020 @ 02:00 hrs. (Pacific): An adult male, who elects to remain anonymous, asserts that he witnessed a complex looking sphere with wing-like extensions in the kitchen of his home.  The instant his wife entered the room, the object shot off out of the house.  ((NOTE:  We have not spoken with, or interviewed, the witness.  Witness apparently did not capture a photo of the object, but he did supply the rendering to the right..  PD))   Witness Report

We will update the website again soon, probably between Christmas and New Years.

Posted on the evening of Wednesday, December 23rd, 2020.


We apologize to all those folks who visit our website on a regular basis for our not having updated the site since September 04th, 2020.  There are many reasons for the delay, which we will not go into here, but we will make every attempt to get back to our traditional schedule of updating the site at least one time per week.

We update the site as of this date with the posting of 561 relatively  recent sighting reports, submitted to our Center from between September 04th and October 06th.  We have another 700 reports that were received after October 6th, which we are in the process of proof-reading.  We hope to have them posted within the next several days.  In the mean time, we hope that visitors to our site will enjoy reading the newly posted reports.

Statement posted Thursday evening, November 05th, 2020.


The NUFORC website has been updated, as of the current date, with the posting of approximately 178 new and updated reports.  Given that this new “crop” of reports has been read in a very cursory manner, this week, we encourage visitors to our website to exercise caution as to what they accept as being true and accurate data.  If you find errors in the database, please send a note to [email protected] , with a description of the suspected error, and we will follow up on the issue at our earliest convenience.


Peter Davenport is scheduled to make his traditional appearance on the radio program, Coast to Coast AM, hosted by Mr. George Noory, today, Friday, September 04th, 2020, beginning at approximately 10:10 p.m. (Pacific).  Peter will discuss a few of the reports that are posted to our database.

Peter is also scheduled to appear on Spaced Out Radio, hosted by Mr. Michael W. Hall, aka “The Paranormal Attorney,” on Sunday night, September 06th, 2020, beginning at approximately 9:05 p.m. (Pacific).  Peter will discuss a number of recent cases, and other topics, as well.

We would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a Happy Labor Day weekend!

Posted:  Friday afternoon, September 04, 2020. 


We have updated both our homepage, and database of eyewitness reports, as of today’s date, August 27th,  with the posting of approximately 185 new reports, received by our Center since the afternoon of Thursday, August 20th.

Given that we are under time pressure to get the reports to our webmaster, we will not include a list of either featured cases, or illustrations, with this posting, but will attempt to include that material in another posting, perhaps during the upcoming weekend.


Peter Davenport, Director of NUFORC, is scheduled to make his weekly appearance on the Coast to Coast AM radio program, hosted by Mr. George Noory, this evening, Thursday, August 27th, 2020, at approximately 10:10 p.m. (Pacific).  Peter will discuss several recent eyewitness reports during his appearance.

Peter is also scheduled to make what has become a weekly appearance on Spaced out Radio/Sunday, hosted by Mr. Michael W. Hall, aka “The Paranormal Attorney,” this Sunday night, August 30, 2020.  Peter typically appears for 25 minutes, beginning at 9:05 p.m. (Pacific), and discusses recent cases reported to NUFORC.

Posted Thursday afternoon, August 27th, 2020. 


We have updated both our homepage, as well as the database of eyewitness sighting reports, as of this date.  We have posted 441 new written reports, submitted to our Center via our Online Report Form since the afternoon of August 6th, together with 35 older reports which have been revised over the past two weeks.

For this update, we have strived to proof-read all the reports more carefully than we believe we have performed that process for the past several updates.  However, there is always the possibility that we have overlooked a defective or misleading report, so, as we always do, we caution visitors to our site to be careful in what they accept at face value.

We highlight below two eyewitness reports that have captured our attention, for one of which we have received what we believe to be high-quality video:

  • Lakeview, Ohio, Saturday, July 18, 2020, @ 11:15 p.m. (Eastern):  A husband and wife, booth experienced sky watchers, were outdoors, in order to view, and photograph, the “Neowise” comet, when the husband observed a very bright light moving across the nighttime sky, and approaching their location from the west.  He  manages to capture some very high-quality, and dramatic, footage of the peculiar object. Witness Report  Video Footage
  • Burnet, Texas, Saturday, August 15, 2020, @ 00:45 a.m. (Central):  Two adult males, both experienced amateur astronomers, observe, and photograph through their telescopes, a strange looking object, exhibiting four very bright, white, strobing lights radiating from its ventral surface (see picture at right).  The object remains visible, and motionless for 3-4 hours.  Witness Report 1   Witness Report 2
  • Conway, South Carolina, Wednesday, August 18, 2020, @ 00:30 a.m. (Eastern):  A retired senior law enforcement official, while out sky-watching, observes a tiny, white colored, strobing light fly overhead from NNE to SSW. The object is joined by a second similar object, and then two more, for a total of four objects.  Because of the strobing, and because of the direction the objects were traveling, the witness doubted whether they could have been “Starlink” satellites.  Witness Report

We hope to be able to post several more good illustrations in the near future, but to do so is going to require a bit more time than we have available today for sorting through a large number of items, in order to select good, and convincing bits of evidence..


Peter Davenport is scheduled to make his weekly appearance on “Coast to Coast AM,” hosted by George Noory, on Thursday night, August 20th, 2020.  Peter is usually brought on the program at between 10:10 p.m. and 10:13 p.m. (Pacific)and he will discuss several recent sightings.

Peter is also scheduled to make what has become a weekly appearance on the Sunday night edition of “Spaced Out Radio, hosted by Mr. Michael W. Hall, aka the “Paranormal Attorney,” at 9:05 p.m. (Pacific), on Sunday night, August 23rd, 2020.  Peter will discuss some of the latest, and more well documented, cases, submitted to NUFORC over recent weeks.

Posted Thursday afternoon, August 20, 2020.


We have updated our database of eyewitness sighting reports on the three dates indicated above, with the posting of approximately 2,500 reports, in aggregate.  Since we are operating under severe time pressure for this posting, we will have to, once again, forgo posting illustrations with this update, but will attempt to post some photos, videos, and illustrations, as soon as we can.

Posted Thursday, August 06, 2020.


We have updated the NUFORC website, as of this date, Thursday July 09th, 2020, with the posting of approximately 160 new, and newly revised reports.

We had hoped to post some illustrations during the past week, but we had a busy week, and were unable to address that task.  We hope to add some featured reports, photos, videos, and illustrations to our homepage, within the next several days.  In the meantime, we encourage visitors to our site to read the newly posted reports, and encourage them to focus on the sighting reports for July 4th.

Posted Thursday evening, July 09, 2020.



We update the NUFORC website as of this date with the posting of approximately 132 recently reported UFO sighting reports, together with 17 newly revised reports that we have amended, for one reason, or another.  We are under time pressure to get the revised database of sightings to our webmaster, so we will limit the length of this statement, in order to get it forwarded to our webmaster on time.

For the past several months, we have had to focus on processing written report, to the exclusion of posting some very nice illustrations, photos, and video.  Now that we are pretty well caught up with the recent flood of reports, we will, in the near future, begin to focus on posting some of the more interesting examples of visual evidence associated with the sightings that have been shared with our offices in the recent past.


Peter Davenport, Director of NUFORC, is scheduled to make his weekly appearance on the Coast to Coast AM radio program, hosted by George Noory, tonight, Friday, July 3rd, 2020, beginning at approximately 10:13 p.m. (Pacific).  Peter will discuss some of the more recent sighting reports submitted to our Center, over the last week. Details about the program can be found at www.coasttocoastam.com .

Peter is also scheduled to appear on the Sunday edition of Spaced Out Radio on Sunday, July 5th, 2020, appearing with its host, Mr. Michael W. Hall, aka “The Paranormal Attorney,” from 9:05 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. (Pacific).  Peter will talk about a number of UFO-related topics, as well as recent sighting reports.  Details about the program can be found at www.spacedoutradio.com .

Posted on Friday afternoon, July 3rd, 2020. 


Our website is finally updated with the posting today of 1,867 reports, some of which were submitted to our Center as far back as March of this year.

In our haste to update the website, we have done what we believe is a “slapdash” job of proof-reading many of the reports, and in particular, those reports that were submitted to our Center from mid-May, to the present date.  Typically, we like to read every word of each report, before posting them, but the unusually large number of reports submitted has not allowed us to do that for this posting.  Hence,  we fear that there are certainly a number of reports in today’s update that are flawed in one, or more, ways, e.g. with regard to date or location of the sighting, presence of personal data for the source of the report, and with regard to profanity, or other potentially disturbing comments to visitors to our site.

If, as you read through the reports, you encounter a report which you believe is flawed, please call it to our attention by e-mailing it [email protected] , and we will attempt to correct any errors before our next update, which should occur sometime during the upcoming week.


Peter Davenport, Director of NUFORC, is scheduled to make his weekly appearance on the Coast to Coast AM radio program, hosted by George Noory, tonight, Thursday, June 25th, 2020, beginning at approximately 10:13 p.m. (Pacific).  Peter will discuss some of the more recent sighting reports submitted to our Center, over the last week. Details about the program can be found at www.coasttocoastam.com .

Peter is also scheduled to appear on the Sunday edition of Spaced Out Radio on June 28, 2020, appearing with its host, Mr. Michael W. Hall, aka “The Paranormal Attorney,” from 9:05 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. (Pacific).  Peter will talk about a number of UFO-related topics, as well as recent sighting reports.  Details about the program can be found at www.spacedoutradio.com .

Posted Thursday afternoon, June 25th, 2002.


To those individuals who visit our website frequently, expecting to see the latest sighting reports, we apologize for our delay in updating the site.  From March to mid-June of this year, we received an unusually large number of reports, which has slowed down the proof-reading and editing process to a significant degree.  We have been tempted to simply post the reports in “raw” form, forgoing the editing process, altogether.  However,  we have observed that so many people who submit reports totally  ignore the guidelines laid out on the Online Report Form, regarding, for example, maintaining anonymity, refraining from use of profanity, and adhering to the proper format, that at least a minimum of proof-reading is necessary, in order to make the reports at all useful, and to guarantee that the posted reports are not offensive to anyone visiting the site.

Over the past several weeks, we have proof-read almost 1,000 reports, and we have approximately 900 reports that remain to be processed.  We anticipate that the remaining reports should be completed within the next 1-2 days, at which time, the site will be updated with all the accumulated reports.


One of the aspects of ufology that piques our interest, and which we believe says a great deal about the UFO phenomenon, are reports from not just recent decades, but rather from past centuries, and even distant millennia.  A gentleman, who writes from the East Coast of the United States, recently shared with our Center an intriguing excerpt, taken from the notes of Gov. John Winthrop, published in “The History of the Massachusetts Bay Colony,” of what today appears to be a possible UFO sighting in by a resident of the town of Brookline, Suffolk County, Colony of Massachusetts.  The gentleman wrote:

“In the records of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, Governor John Winthrop reports the sighting in the year 1639 in the History of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, p. 294.”

“In this year one James Everell, a sober, discreet man, and two others, saw a great light in the night at Muddy River. When it stood still, it flamed up, and was about three yards square; when it ran, it was contracted into the figure of a swine: it ran as swift as an arrow towards Charlton, and so up and down about two or three hours. They were come down in their lighter about a mile, and, when it was over, they found themselves carried quite back against the tide to the place they came from. Divers other credible persons saw the same light, after, about the same place.”

This alleged sighting, in our opinion here at NUFORC, is strongly suggestive of a sighting of what we today call a “UFO,” and appears similar to so many others that are posted to our website, in terms of both appearance, and strange behavior of the peculiar object of interest.  We felt that visitors to this site would enjoy knowing about this incident from 381 years ago!


Peter is scheduled to make his weekly appearance on the Coast to Coast radio program, hosted by George Noory, on Thursday night, June 18, 2020, at approximately 10:15 p.m. (Pacific).  Peter will discuss several of the more dramatic, and well documented, UFO sighting reports that have been submitted to NUFORC over the past week or two.  Details about other guests scheduled to appear can be obtained at www.coasttocoastam.com.

In addition, Peter is scheduled to appear on the Sunday night edition of Spaced Out Radio, which is hosted by Michael W. Hall, aka The Paranormal Attorney.  Peter will appear during the first 25 minutes of the program, beginning at 9:05 p.m. (Pacific) to talk about recent sightings, and other topics in the field of ufology.  Details about the featured guest who will appear after 9:35 p.m. can be obtained from the program website, www.spacedoutradio.com .

Posted on Thursday evening, June 18, 2020.


We have performed a partial update of the NUFORC website, as of this date, with the posting of approximately 200 relatively recently received UFO sighting reports.  The majority of the newly posted reports were those received in March and April of this year, together with a few reports that have been received over the past couple of days, which we succeeded in squeezing into the database at the last minute.

We still have approximately 1,800 reports in the database that have yet to be proof-read, but we are working on a full time basis to get them completed, and hope to be able to get them posted, as well, by early next week.

The principal cause of the current backlog is the “crush” of reports we have received of both the planet Venus, that has been very prominent in the western and northwestern sky recently, and overflights of the Space X “Starlink” satellites.  We would be most grateful if those people who use our Online Report Form would please be certain of what they are reporting, so as not to submit reports of either Venus, or of those clusters of satellites, which can number up to 100 star-like objects.  The clusters generally seen coursing either the morning, or evening, sky in a more less straight line, and a single cluster can often be visible to witnesses on the ground for 15-20 minutes.

Finally, on this point of reports, we are considering changing our traditional, and liberal, policy of accepting reports in almost any form, and requiring that reports that are sent to our Center first be proof-read and edited for errors before we will accept them.  The volume of reports has become so dauntingly large, that we no longer have sufficient time to proof-read and edit reports, as they arrive.  People often comment that they are not skilled writers, but their computers…that have built-in spell checkers…are!!  We feel we are spending way too much time correcting those errors that others could do, before the reports are sent from their computers.


Peter Davenport is scheduled to appear on Coast to Coast AM radio, hosted by George Noory tonight, Friday, May 20, 2020, at approximately 10:15 p.m. (Pacific).  Peter will be discussing several recent cases.  Web address is www.coasttocoastam.com.

Peter is also tentatively scheduled to make another appearance on Spaced Out Radio, the Sunday editions of which are hosted by the “Paranormal Attorney,” Mr. Michael W. Hall, this Sunday, May 17, 2020.  Peter will appear at approximately 9:05 p.m. (Pacific), and will discuss some of the more interesting cases, before Michael brings on his featured guest at approximately 9:35 p.m..

Statement posted on Friday afternoon, May 15, 2020. 


We have updated the website and database of sighting reports, as of this date, with the posting of approximately 100 recently received reports.  We still have approximately 1,700 reports that have yet to be proof-read and edited, before they can be posted here.  We are working on a full-time basis to get them all completed.


Colbert (Spokane), Washington State, Monday, May 04th, 2020, @ 2:00 p.m. (Pacific): A husband and wife witness a very small, unidentified, object, as it trails closely behind a commercial airliner taking off from Spokane International Airport.  The object appeared to be within one fuselage-length of the aircraft, and just below its altitude.  Both objects appeared to fly through cloud briefly, and then reappear a second time.  Witness Report

Posted on Sunday, May 10th, 2020. 


We have updated the website, and partially updated the database of sighting reports, as of this date, with the posting of approximately 325 either new, or recently revised, eyewitness accounts of alleged UFO sightings.  The revised database contains a partial collection of reports that were submitted to our Center up to the evening of Thursday, April 23rd, 2020, so please do not be alarmed if you have submitted a report to our Center either before, or after, that date, but your report does not yet appear on the website.  Your report is, no doubt, among the remaining approximately 1,400 reports that have yet to be proof-read, and flagged, in preparation for posting to the NUFORC website.  Peter Davenport, Center Director, is engaged with proof-reading those accumulated reports as rapidly as he can, and they may be ready for posting as soon as the upcoming weekend.

Also, on the subject of missing reports, if you have submitted a written report to our Center in the distant past, and have noticed that it is missing from the  database of cases on our website, please do not be alarmed!!  Recent computer problems have caused us to have to lay aside some reports from the database temporarily.  However, they will be restored to the database, once we’ve corrected a few software problems.

One of the principal reasons for the delay in our updating the website is the high volume of reports of overflights of the “Starlink” satellites.  We would like to invite visitors to our website to please watch the video, a link to which appears below, in order that they are made aware of the existence of these satellites, and what they look like when they pass overhead in orbit outside the Earth’s atmosphere.  They are very dramatic, and novel, in appearance, and they are causing up to approximately a thousand reports per month to be submitted to our Center.  The processing of all of these extraneous reports is absorbing a great deal of our time, and they have nothing to do with the UFO phenomenon, which is our focus.  Hence, we request that people not only refrain from either telephoning our Hotline, or submitting written reports, about sightings of the satellites.  Also, we would like to request that people inform family members and friends of the satellites’ existence, and what they look like.  Here is a high-quality video available on YouTube of an overflight of one of the four or five groups of “Starlink” satellites that now orbit our planet on a routine basis:


Peter often makes appearances on Spaced Out Radio, whose traditional Sunday night host is Michael W. Hall, who bills himself as the “Paranormal Attorney.” Peter usually makes a half-hour long appearance, beginning at approximately 9:05 p.m. (Pacific), during which he discusses recent reports, and other topics of interest in the field of ufology.  Details of the program are available at www.spacedoutradio.com

We will post again in the very near future – as soon as the 1,400 new reports can be prepared for posting.

Posted Sunday night, May 3rd, 2020.


We apologize to those people who visit our website frequently for the long delay in updating.  Suffice it to say that our “system” is being over-taxed, and we can no longer keep up with the torrent of reports, e-mail, conference presentations, radio interviews, inquiries by the press, telephone calls…including, tragically, an unstinting  torrent of prank telephone calls, which take a significant amount of time to process.

In any event, as of this date, we have performed a partial update of the database of sighting reports with the posting of almost 600 new reports.  We have a remaining 698 reports that must first be proof-read, and we should have those posted to the site within 1-2 days.  If you have submitted a report to our Center recently, and do not see it posted, please do not be alarmed by its absence from the database – it will be posted at the next update.

A few comments:

SIGHTINGS OF VENUS:  Our Center is receiving way, way too many reports of sightings of Venus, and they are taking a great deal of wasted time to process.  We would like to invite all the visitors to our website who are not familiar with that planet to go outside tonight, or in the near future, and look to the west.  The very bright, intensely silver-white, object seen in the western sky is Venus, and not an alien spacecraft!  Venus will continue to be visible in the western sky until sometime in June 2020, after which it will then begin to be visible in the early morning sky.  NUFORC is receiving hundreds of reports per month of Venus, and we are attempting to avoid wasting time on such reports.

“STARLINK” SATELLITES:  If you witness a long string of objects, the size of stars or satellites, in the night sky, please note that you probably are observing one of the four or five clusters of “micro” satellites that have been launched recently by the Space X Corporation.  These micro satellites position themselves approximately equidistant from one another, and generally appear to follow one another across the sky, flying in a “nose-to-tail” formation.  Those satellites, like Venus, are not alien spacecraft, and we would prefer that people not report them to our Center.  We are taking hundreds of reports per month about those satellites, and the processing of those reports is taking a great deal of time, that is being wasted.

HIGHLIGHTED CASE:  Among those preliminary reports we have posted with today’s update is the following:

Daytona Beach, Florida, Monday, April 06, 2020, @ 10:00 p.m. (EDT): An adult male, who describes himself as a highly trained former member of the U. S. Coast Guard, reports having witnessed nine small, white lights, arranged in a “V” formation fly directly above his house, coursing from the southern sky to the northeast.  The witness reports that the lights appeared to be independent of one another, and not attached to a single object.  The sighting lasted approximately 5 seconds. Witness Report

Posted Saturday evening, April 11th, 2020.


Our website is updated, as of today’s date, with the posting of approximately 300 new sighting reports, received since the afternoon of Thursday, February 13th, 2020.  We have proof-read the reports to the greatest degree that a very busy schedule will allow, but, no doubt, there are quite a number of errors in the newly posted reports, so visitors to our site should be on the alert for errors in the reports, as well as for the possibility of prank reports.  We have been able to label and “flag” only a few of the reports that have been submitted by people who wish to remain anonymous, a decision which always raises the specter that the report might be a hoax.

Our next posting will be on, or about March 07th, depending on our webmaster’s travel schedule.


Over the past several months, possibly the majority of reports that have been submitted to our Center via the Online Report Form have been about the long “train” of so-called “Starlink” micro satellites, several clusters of which have been launched, beginning in May of 2019.  If you are witness to a long string of what appear to be stars, equidistant from one another, and following each other “nose to tail,” we would be most grateful if you would please not report them as a UFO sighting.  We have received many hundreds of reports of those satellites, and all of those reports have taken a great deal of time to process.

Also, please note that the very bright planet called “Venus” is currently in the southwestern and western sky during the early and mid-part of the evening sky, and its presence there is inducing a great many people into reporting it as a UFO, which it is not.  That planet will continue to be visible in the western sky during the evening hours until June of this year.

Finally, please take note of the fact that the star, “Sirius,” the brightest star visible from the planet Earth is first visible in the southeastern sky during the early evening, and moves to the right, as the Earth rotates to the east.  Sirius can be located just to the left of, and below, the easily recognized constellation of stars call “Orion,” and it is very chromatic, giving off all colors in a rainbow.  Thank you for not reporting Sirius as a UFO!


Peter is a scheduled speaker at the UFO Paranormal Summit 2020, to be held on March 6-8, 2020, at the Quinault Beach Resort and Casino in Ocean Shores, Washington.  Details can be obtained here.


Peter is scheduled to make his weekly appearances on the Coast to Coast AM radio program, hosted by Mr. George Noory, on Friday, February 28th, 2020, and again during the following week, on Friday, March 06th, 2020.  Both appearances are scheduled to begin at  approximately 10:15 p.m. (Pacific time), during which Peter will discuss recent case reports.

Statement posted on Tuesday evening, February 25th, 2020.


We have updated our website database of sighting reports, as of this date, with the posting of 121 new entries.  Please be alert to the many cases that address a long string of “satellite-like” objects, as we suspect that virtually all of the cases that include such a description are sightings of the Space X “Starlink” micro-satellites that were launched from Cape Canaveral on November 11, 2019.

Highlighted case:

Washington, D.C., Tuesday, February 04th, 2020, @ 11:00 p.m. (EST): Shortly after the conclusion of President Trump’s State of the Union Address before Congress, people in the Arlington, Virginia, area began hearing the unmistakable sound of jet fighters coursing over the greater Washington, D.C., area, apparently at relatively low altitude, and using their afterburners.  One of the many witnesses to the loud sound witnessed two objects overhead that were performing very dramatic maneuvers. Witness Report


Peter Davenport is scheduled to appear on the Coast to Coast radio program, hosted by Mr. George Noory, at approximately 10:15 p.m. (Pacific) on Thursday, February 13, 2020.  Peter will discuss the case that is highlighted above, as well as several others that have been submitted since February 07th, 2020.

Posted:  Thursday evening, February 13, 2020.


Finally! Our website is updated, as of this date, with the most recently submitted eyewitness reports!  We apologize for the month-long delay, and we hope that we are now back in the our tradition of updating both the homepage, as well as the database of sighting reports, on at least a weekly basis.  The balky computer that was giving us such trouble last year has been replaced, and the new replacement seems to be serving our needs quite admirably.

Today’s update includes 736 new sighting reports, some of which were submitted as far back as late December 2019, and only perhaps half of which have been adequately proof-read and edited.  In our haste to get all those reports posted to our website today, in time for two radio interviews, we hurried through the proof-reading process.  Consequently, we encourage visitors to our site to be on the alert for errors of all types.  We have attempted, in a few cases, to label those reports submitted by individuals who have elected to remain totally anonymous, which often seem to us to be somewhat suspect.  However we have not been able to label every such report, so be on the alert for suspicious reports!

Also, we have attempted to indicate all those reports that appear to address sightings of the long string of “Starlink” satellites that were launched on Monday, November 11th, 2019.  However, we suspect that we have not been successful in “ferreting out” all of them, so any report that appears to address a large number of star-like objects, oriented in a “nose-to-tail” formation, could well be addressing that group of satellites.  Comparing any suspect reports with those that we have labelled as addressing an overflight of satellites should allow the reader to distinguish reports of satellites from those that appear to address sightings of suspected UFOs.

In addition, given the number of prank calls that are routinely placed to our telephone Hotline, we suspect that there is a significant number of written reports that may have been submitted by the same pranksters, so be on the alert for reports that seem to exhibit  suspect information.

Once we’ve recovered from the “Herculean,” weeklong session of proof-reading we’ve just completed, we will post again soon, to include a few photos and illustrations.


Peter Davenport, Center Director, is scheduled to make his weekly appearance on the Coast to Coast AM radio program, hosted by George Noory, tonight, February 07th, 2020, at approximately 10:15 p.m. (Pacific).  Peter will discuss some recent dramatic sightings, as well as a few other issues, associated with running a UFO Hotline.

Posted Friday evening, February 07, 2020.


Our principal objective in posting this partial update is  to demonstrate to those individuals who routinely visit our website that we are still in business!!  It is not a complete update, but it will nevertheless provide visitors to our website with approximately 350 reports that have been submitted to our Center, over the past month.  Some of the reports posted on this date are older reports that have been updated and amended.

In addition to those reports that we’ve posted here tonight, we have on file an additional 680 newly received reports, received over the past month, that will be proof-read and edited as quickly as possible, probably within the next day or two, and posted soon thereafter.  In that second update, we will highlight some of the more interesting reports we have received over recent weeks.  In addition, we will post, together with those written reports, some of the better photos and videos that have been submitted to our Center.


Peter Davenport, Director of NUFORC, is scheduled to make his weekly appearance on the Coast to Coast AM radio program, hosted by Mr. George Noory, on Friday night, January 31st, 2020, at approximately 10:15 p.m. (Pacific).  Peter will discuss some of the more interesting reports that have been submitted recently to the UFO Center.

Posted Friday evening, January 31st, 2020. 


We have received so many reports…probably in excess of 1,000 by now…from people both on the ground, as well as in flight, of a long string of small luminous objects which stretches across the night sky, we share this statement, with hope of slowing the flood of reports to our Center about the display.

On the morning of November 11th, 2019, a large pod was launched by the Space-X Corporation from Cape Canaveral in Florida.  The pod reportedly contained in excess of 60 much smaller “micro” satellites, which are slowly being released from the main “bus.”  In addition, the “micro” satellites reportedly have a highly polished, highly reflective, outer surface, which makes them appear quite bright in the nighttime sky because of the sunlight they reflect with high efficiency.  Consequently, the cluster of satellites appears to be a long “chain” of luminous dots moving slowly, and generally to the east, across the night sky .  The display is a very dramatic in appearance, and to some witnesses, alarming, but they are just satellites of terrestrial origin, orbiting around our planet.  They are not alien spacecraft.

Hence, we would be grateful if people would please refrain from calling our UFO Hotline to report the cluster, and from submitting written reports about them.  Each report takes a considerable amount of our time to process, which detracts from other pressing responsibilities we have in our attempt to get accurate, reliable data to the public about the UFO phenomenon.  Thank you!

Please check back to our site, within a day or two, at which time we hope to have the site updated with the latest reports.

Posted Wednesday evening, January 15, 2020.

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