How Rape Prevention and Education Recipients are Building Community

As we reflect on the #SAAM2024 theme, we recognize that to build connected communities we must work in solidarity with others. Here is a sneak peek at data from NSVRC’s 2024 National Strengths and Needs Assessment. Organizations working to prevent sexual violence at the community-level must learn what issues are important to community members and find ways to partner with others to address connected needs. Prevention research highlights the potential for prevention strategies and approaches that address multiple forms of violence (Dills et al., 2019).

We have seen some notable changes in how state Rape Prevention and Education recipients are working to connect the dots over the last twelve years (NSVRC, 2023).


Follow NSVRC on social media for more results of our 2024 National Strengths and Needs Assessment and share how you are building community in your prevention efforts.


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