National Academy of Public Administration Working Group Releases Addendum to “Election 2020 Project” Action Plans

National Academy of Public Administration Working Group Releases Addendum to “Election 2020 Project” Action Plans

Post Date: November 16, 2020

Updated Plan Offers Proposed Executive Order to Strengthen Federal Workforce

WASHINGTON, D.C. – A working group of Fellows of the National Academy of Public Administration has released a new addendum to its series of Election 2020 Project action plans – one that offers the next Presidential administration a proposed Executive Order designed to help modernize, strengthen and invigorate the public workforce.
“The proposed Executive Order is an addendum to an action plan developed by the Academy’s Working Group on Modernizing and Invigorating the Public Workforce, and as such, it recommends empowering the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) to focus on getting the best results, not just on compliance,” said Academy Fellow and former Board Chairman Jeff Neal, head of the Academy’s Working Group on Modernizing and Invigorating the Public Workforce and a government human capital expert. “The Executive Order also focuses OPM on modernizing the federal hiring and compensation systems in order to strengthen the civil service through better recruitment and retention.”

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