Nadia Murad statement on the rise of conflict and CRSV in 2023 — Nadia’s Initiative

As a survivor of conflict-related sexual violence and genocide I am overwhelmed and saddened by the severity of conflict we have witnessed across the world this year.

Nearly a quarter of the world’s population resides in areas torn apart with conflict and thousands of children (1 in every 6) are exposed to conflict. This is a staggering number and completely unacceptable by any standard. 

This year we have seen atrocity after atrocity with indescribable horror and barbarism perpetrated against innocent women including the systematic use of sexual violence from the DRC to Ukraine to Sudan to Israel. The recent attacks in Israel by Hamas were a reminder of the very brutality of ISIS atrocities. The widespread bombardment of Gaza – killing and displacing innocent civilians – is heartbreaking and wrong.

We all need to step back from the politics surrounding the conflict in Israel and Gaza and focus on the humanity of the innocent civilians affected by the might of military forces and men with guns and rockets. Only if we do this, we will clearly see that the attacks on October 7 were horrific. Nothing can justify this kind of reported violence targeting women, children, civilians, including the old and the sick. Parading women in the streets and using sexual violence and rape to terrorize people is horrific and perpetrators must be held accountable. Nothing can justify hate and antisemitism or calling for the genocide of any people.

We must all agree that humanitarian and international human rights laws must be followed and enforced. The protection of human dignity and life should be ensured. Civilians in Gaza need a chance to access critical aid and medical care through a humanitarian ceasefire and an end to the death of innocent civilians. We cannot lose our humanity and solve our problems with violence and bombs. As a survivor, I can imagine the pain and suffering of those who lost their loved ones. Indeed, I feel their pain acutely at this moment as millions of us do. 

As someone from the region, I know all too well how much suffering there is in the Middle East. So many families have been shattered across the region, from Syria to Iraq, Yemen, Israel, and Palestine. Innocent people pay the price of war and conflict. I know all too well what it means to lose family members, to be forced to flee your home, and to have loved ones and friends in captivity. The uncertainty and terror of what tomorrow will bring in a conflict zone is a brutal and cruel reality.

We cannot stand by and continue to watch the destruction of human lives globally. We need to prioritize peace and the protection of human life. Collectively, the global community needs to ensure that human life is protected and valued.  Everyone has the right to self-determination and peace. We cannot let differences divide us so profoundly that war is normalized. As human beings we have the luxury of choosing peace over conflict. Indeed, it is also a moral imperative to always strive to ensure peace triumphs over conflict. To ensure humanity’s unity prevails over division. 

Today, world leaders have a moral responsibility to say enough is enough! We are at a critical juncture in the world – we need leaders to call for human rights, freedom, and peace. We need leaders to ensure these words result in peace in reality. This is not an idealistic or naive aspiration– rather it is the only goal and only objective right now: The only option is to view your neighbor as your equal. We must give peace a chance and we must give space for those charged with the responsibility for investigating and building cases to hold perpetrators accountable (such as the ICC) to do their work.

Nadia Murad

For more information contact [email protected]

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