“Girls Belong in Tech” 2024 Event Recap: Fostering the Next Generation of Innovators

Photos: Courtesy of Lenovo

In a world where women are still underrepresented in technology, Lenovo’s “Girls Belong in Tech” initiative stands as a beacon of change. This unique event held earlier this month at Lenovo’s headquarters in Morrisville, NC, amplifies NAF and Lenovo’s collective commitment to support the next generation of female leaders in technology and prepare them to be the industry leaders of tomorrow.

Lenovo’s headquarters was buzzing with excitement, as dedicated volunteers, NAF staff, and Lenovo employees prepared to receive students. It was a wonderful sight to see the students walking toward the building with anticipation and purpose, one bus load after another. Students beamed as they received their swag bags, took a group photo, and were escorted to the auditorium.

The event began with a dynamic networking activity for making connections, before transitioning to the welcome address and a fireside chat with Lenovo’s Executive Director of Product Release Operations, Candice Coletrane. She not only shared insights into the tech industry, but also highlighted the critical role that these young women play in shaping the future of technology.

From coding workshops to design thinking sessions, each aspect of the day was meticulously crafted to inspire, educate, and motivate. Students gained invaluable insights into emerging technologies, such as AI, as well as learned more about critical thinking and the importance of diversity and inclusion in tech — all while developing practical skills and building their network of peers and mentors.

As a former educator, and now NAF staffer, it was a challenge to contain my excitement and awe, as the students coded using an AI app, asked intentional questions of the panelists, and interacted with Lenovo staff. Students expressed their appreciation to their academy leaders and teachers for presenting them with this opportunity to solidify their career aspirations. They also asked about internship opportunities. It was apparent that these future leaders are already carving out their next steps!  

The event concluded with an exciting presentation of the KnoPro Civic Engagement Challenge, sponsored by Lenovo. This challenge invites students to apply their tech skills to civic engagement, proposing innovative solutions to enhance community life. It also acts as a testament to Lenovo and NAF’s dedication to using technology as a force for good, encouraging students to think critically about their role in society and how they can contribute to positive change.

“Girls Belong in Tech 2024” was a powerful illustration of how young minds can actively redefine the future of technology. It was a time for the next generation of women in tech to stand at the forefront, not just as participants, but as the architects of a more inclusive and innovative technology landscape. These students, with their boundless energy and visionary ideas, are indeed the changemakers our world needs.

Spending the day with over 250 young women, and those who identify as female, affirmed the pride I have in the work that I do. It is of the utmost importance to continue nurturing the talent of the future and exposure is key to elevating careers that are nontraditional or unknown. I am excited about the partnership and work that NAF is doing with companies, such as Lenovo, who understand that the future talent pipeline in tech spaces and beyond must be developed today.

In celebrating a decade of making a difference, and in closing out Women’s History Month this March, we are reminded of the journey ahead, filled with opportunities for learning, growth, and impact. Together, NAF and Lenovo are setting the stage for the next generation of tech leaders, ensuring they are equipped with the skills, confidence, and drive to succeed in a rapidly evolving digital world.

Alyssa English is Manager, Academy Development, at NAF. She attended North Carolina A&T State University in Greensboro, NC, and majored in Marketing. Every summer, she had internships in insurance and banking with major corporations.Alyssa would then go on to exercise those business/marketing skills over 24 years in Career & Technical Education and greatly enjoyed her career as an educator — developing curriculum products, as well as taking on leadership roles in her school, the district, and state. She also certified twice as a National Board-Certified Teacher (NBCT) and earned other certifications. In addition to establishing relationships with business partners and developing infrastructure for work-based learning opportunities, Alyssa earned her Master’s Degree in Management and Leadership.In 2016, she was introduced to NAF as an Academy Coordinator, before becoming a team member. Alyssa is thrilled to be a part of the NAF Network and is committed to developing space and opportunities for students to become Future Ready!

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