Two RECAP Grants Awarded in Memory of Aaron Swartz | Free Law Project


In memory of Internet activist Aaron Swartz, Think Computer Foundation
( and the Center for Information
Technology Policy (CITP) at Princeton University
( are announcing the winners of two $5,000
grant awards for improving RECAP.

Since 2009, a team of researchers at Princeton has worked on a web
browser-based system known as RECAP ( that
allows citizens to recapture public court records from the federal
government’s official PACER database. The Administrative Office of the
Courts charges per-page user fees for
PACER documents, which makes it expensive to access these public
records. RECAP allows users to easily share the records that they
purchase to and freely access documents that others have already

Shortly after the unexpected death of Mr. Swartz, Think Computer
Foundation announced
it would fund grants worth $5,000 each to extend RECAP and make use of
data contained in Think Computer Foundation’s PlainSite database of
legal information.

Two of these grants are being awarded today.

Ka-Ping Yee, a Canadian software developer living in Northern
California, has created a version of RECAP for Google’s Chrome browser.
This gives RECAP a much larger base of potential users. Previously,
RECAP had only been available for the Mozilla Firefox browser.

Filippo Valsorda and Alessio Palmero Aprosio, both from Italy, have
improved RECAP to support the version of PACER used by the U.S.
appellate courts. This new functionality helps to dramatically expand
the scope of citizens’ free access to United States case law. This
improved Firefox version of the extension is also available at, and appellate functionality will be available soon for
Chrome as well.

These awards recognize work that furthers Swartz’s ideals of information
freedom and openness. The remaining grant involves visualizing data
available on Think Computer Foundation’s
PlainSite web site (the deadline
for which has been extended to May 31, 2013 as work on PlainSite

About the Grant Winners

***RECAP for Google Chrome – Ka-Ping Yee

Ka-Ping Yee Headshot

The Chrome version of
RECAP was developed by Ka-Ping Yee
(@zestyping), a founding member of the
Crisis Response team at, where he participated in responses
to the Haiti earthquake in 2010, the Tohoku earthquake in 2011, and
Hurricane Sandy in 2012. Today, he is the lead engineer for Google
Crisis Map and Google Person Finder, and he also creates interactive LED
art and plays the piano. Ping is from Winnipeg and now lives in
Berkeley. He says: “Aaron was a friend, and I was powerfully affected by
his passing. His life’s work embodied many of the ideals I have long
supported. I was disappointed in myself that I hadn’t done much to
further these causes, and the grants gave me the opportunity to turn a
time of great sadness into a useful contribution. RECAP corrects an
injustice; I was glad I could help. I intend to donate the award to
GiveWell in Aaron’s memory.”

***RECAP for the U.S. Courts of Appeals – Filippo Valsorda and Alessio
Palmero Aprosio

The appellate version of RECAP was developed by a team of two Italian
programmers, Filippo Valsorda and Alessio Palmero Aprosio.

Filippo Headshot

(@FiloSottile) is a high school
student and has been programming for about 7 years, focusing recently on
cryptography and security. He loves math, and was part of the Italian
team at the International Mathematical Game Championship. He has also
recently claimed a bounty in the Facebook Bug Bounty program. He says
“[a]t the time of the grants announcement I was quite shocked by
Aaron’s suicide, and I found out [that] I was working (unknowingly) on
a project started by him. So it felt good to play a role in fixing
something that he fought for. The competition was also interesting from
a technical point of view. While working on the project, we also got a
feel of how the PACER system is unjust and broken when we were fool
enough to make a search for “Smith” and got billed $25 without any

Alessio Head Shot

Alessio Palmero
Aprosio is a Ph.D. student at Fondazione Bruno Kessler in Trento, where
he is working on computational linguistics, machine learning and the
semantic web. He says: “I think that for documents to be truly public,
they must be available on the web for free. The competition was a good
way to help a community. As I’m not a U.S. citizen, I don’t know the
issue in detail. However, I worked a lot in the IT field, where I
learned that technology can help improve many areas. That was true in
this case, so I felt that we must fight for this cause. The very fact
that we are talking about Aaron means that his projects have not been
forgotten, and he would be happy about that. He fought to make PACER
publicly available, so I think that he would have approved of the
grants. Onward!”

**About Think Computer Foundation
Think Computer Foundation is a 501(c)3
non-profit organization with a stated mission of helping children
through technology. Its PlainSite legal information database, developed
in conjunction with its for-profit sister company, Think Computer
Corporation, has greatly expanded access to public information on-line.
PlainSite will immediately make use of the additional data available
from RECAP, which will be stored in the public domain on the Internet
Archive. PlainSite can be found at

For more information about Think Computer Foundation, visit

**About Princeton University’s Center for Information Technology Policy
The Center for Information Technology
is an interdisciplinary center at
Princeton University. CITP is a nexus of expertise in technology,
engineering, public policy, and the social sciences. In keeping with the
strong University tradition of service, the Center’s research, teaching,
and events address digital technologies as they interact with society.

For more information about RECAP, or to download the Firefox RECAP
plug-in, visit

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