Presentation on Juriscraper and CourtListener for LVI2012 | Free Law Project

Michael Lissner

Yesterday and today I’ve been in Ithaca, New York, participating in the
Law via the Internet Conference (LVI), where I’ve been learning tons!

I had the good fortune to have my proposal topic selected for Track 4:
Application Development for Open Access and

In the interest of sharing, I’ve attached the latest version of my
slides to this Blog post, and the audio for the talk may eventually get
posted on the LVI



Started in 2010, Free Law Project is the leading non-profit using technology, data, and advocacy to make the legal ecosystem more equitable and competitive. We host major open databases of opinions, federal filings, judges, financial disclosures, and oral arguments. We build open‑source tools like eyecite, juriscraper, and x-ray.

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