New tool for testing lxml XPath queries | Free Law Project

Michael Lissner

I got a bit frustrated today, and decided that I should build a tool to
fix my frustration. The problem was that we’re using a lot of XPath
queries to scrape various court websites, but there was no tool that
could be used to test xpath expressions efficiently.

There are a couple tools that are quite similar to what I just built:
There’s one called Xacobeo, Eclipse has one built in, and even Firebug
has a tool that does similar. Unfortunately though, these each operate
on a different DOM interpretation than the one that lxml builds.

So the problem I was running into was that while these tools helped, I
consistently had the problem that when the HTML got nasty, they’d start
falling over.

No more! Today I built a quick Django
that can be run
locally or on a server. It’s quite simple. You input some HTML and an
XPath expression, and it will tell you the matches for that expression.
It has syntax highlighting, and a few other tricks up its sleeve, but
it’s pretty basic on the whole.

I’d love to get any feedback I can about this. It’s probably still got
some bugs, but it’s small enough that they should be quite easy to stamp

Update: I got in touch with the developer of Xacobeo. There’s an
–html flag that you can pass to it at startup, if that’s your
intention. If you use that, it indeed uses the same DOM parser that my
tool does. Sigh. Affordances are important, especially in a GUI-based

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