New PACER Fee Data, RECAP Appearances This Week | Free Law Project

This week, RECAP team member Steve Schultze released new data on how
PACER fees are collected and spent in a post entitled, “What Does It
Cost to Provide Electronic Public Access to Court

He will discuss this new data and other aspects of public access to
federal case materials at a event in DC

(live streaming video). Steve will also be on a panel at the Virginia
State Bar Association’s annual
Thursday, speaking about how the federal electronic filing experience
can inform state efforts. That same day, RECAP developer Dhruv Kapadia
will be at the event at

There will be more RECAP developments and public appearances in the
coming weeks.

Update: The video for the Law.Gov Event at the Center for American
now posted on their site. You can watch the excerpt of Steve’s remarks

Video of Steve


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