New Courts at CourtListener with Historical Data | Free Law Project

Michael Lissner

I mentioned in my last post that we’ve added some new courts to the
site. Today we’ve added the historical data for these courts that was
available on their website.

This amounts to about 1,500 new cases on CourtListener:

  • 112 from November 2003 to today at the Court of Appeals for the
    Armed Forces.
  • 764 from January 2000 to today at the Court of Veterans Claims
  • 600 from January 2008 to today at the Court of International Trade

All of these docs are immediately available for search, RSS or via our
dump API, and will be in our dump of all our cases when it is
regenerated at the end of the month.

This also marks an important achievement for the Juriscraper library.
Since CourtListener now has scrapers for all federal courts of special
jurisdiction, we’re officially moving it to version 0.2. It’s taken
longer than we wanted to get it here, but this is a huge step for the

Freeing 1,000 docs at a time.

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