CourtListener Can Now Send Alerts in Real Time for Donors | Free Law Project

Michael Lissner

We rolled out a new feature today on CourtListener that allows you to
stay up to date with court opinions and oral arguments as fast as we
know about them. We’re calling it Real Time Alerts, and donors can
start using this now by selecting “Real Time” in the rate drop down when
creating alerts:

Real Time Alerts

Once you’ve set up an alert with this rate, we’ll begin checking the
hundreds of items we download each day and we will send an email as soon
as a new item triggers your alert. Just like our other emails, once you
get the alert, you can click directly on the results to read opinions or
listen to oral arguments.

For journalists and other users with speed-critical work, it’s as simple
as that to keep up with hundreds of courts. Let us know what you think!

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