Announcing the Aaron Swartz Memorial Grants | Free Law Project

Last week, our community lost Aaron
We are still reeling. Aaron was a fighter for openness and freedom, and
many people have been channeling their grief into positive actions for
causes that were close to Aaron’s heart. One of these people is Aaron
, creator of
the open-data site Plainsite and the Think
Computer Foundation
. He has established
a generous set of grants to be awarded to the first person (or group)
that develops the following upgrades to
RECAP, our court record liberation
system. RECAP would not

without the work of Aaron Swartz.

Three grants are being made available related to RECAP. Each grant is
worth $5,000.00:

  1. Grant 1: Develop and release a version of RECAP for the Google
    Chrome browser that matches the current Firefox browser extension
  2. Grant 2: Develop and release a version of RECAP for Internet
    Explorer that matches the current Firefox browser extension
  3. Grant 3: Update the Firefox browser extension to capture
    appellate court documents, and update the RECAP server code to
    parse them and respond appropriately to browser extension requests

For more details, see The Aaron Swartz Memorial
. If you are
interested, you must register by the end of January.

We are honored to be part of one of the many projects being undertaken
in Aaron Swartz’s honor.

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