Announcing Citation Queries and other Goodies | Free Law Project

Michael Lissner

We’re proud to announce a big new feature today that we’ve been planning
for a long time. Starting today, you can make citation queries against
the CourtListener corpus. If you look in the bottom of the left hand
column, you’ll see a new slider:


Sliding the handles around, you can easily filter out any documents that
are too popular or not popular enough — or both. In addition to this,
we’ve added citation counts to our results list, and citation count
ordering to our results. For example, you can now order the results by
most cited or least cited, depending on the kind of work you’re doing.

In addition, we’re also announcing two new fields that you can query:
Judges and Nature of Suit. Both of these fields are currently very
limited in our corpus, but as we add more documents, we want to expose
these to our users. To query by judge name, you can either type the name
directly into the judge text box on the left, or you can place a query
using the “judge” operator and a query like [ judge:smith ]. For the
Nature of Suit, the data is both incomplete and de-normalized, so we
have not yet provided an input box. This is a beta feature, but intrepid
users can begin using it now with the [ suitNature ] query operator.

We’re very excited about these new features, and we’ll have other great
announcements coming soon.

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