$10,000 in Further Awards for RECAP Projects | Free Law Project


Today, teams across the country are hard at work on the Aaron Swartz
These grants, offered by the Think Computer Foundation, provide $5,000
awards for three different projects related to RECAP.

We are delighted to announce additional awards. The generous
over at Google’s Open
Source Programs team have pledged to support two more RECAP-related
project awards — at $5,000 each. These are open to anyone who wishes
to submit a proposal for a significant improvement to the RECAP system.
We will work with the proposers to scope the project and define what
qualifies for the award. All projects must be open source.

There are several potential ideas. For instance, someone might propose
add support to RECAP for displaying the user’s current balance and
prompting the user to liberate up to their free quarterly $15
allocation as the end of the quarter approaches (inspired by Operation
). Someone
might propose to improve the
https://www.courtlistener.com/recap/ interface, and
to improve detection and removal of private information. Someone might
propose some other idea that we haven’t thought of. You may wish to
watch the discussion of a few of these initial

from our developer kickoff session.

Email [email protected] if you are interested. Thanks again to the
Think Computer Foundation and Google.

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